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hi from kings lynn - Printable Version

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hi from kings lynn - arp - 03-06-2012

hi all im aaron from king's lynn

owner of AReeve Performance- independent BMW-MINI-AUDI & PERFORMANCE specialist

anyhow bought a gti 6 from a customer where the cam belt idler pulley bolt sheared off bending all 16 valves.
Head has now been rebuilt including a ported and polished head and high lift cams. Car was completely standard apart from a piper cross filter which is far too small. Has now had the above headwork, decat, bilstein shocks and springs, custom stainless exhaust,

waiting to be done when i get some time is ABS removal with willwood BIAS valve, interior strip, 406 v6 brembos, bucket seats, team dynamics pro race wheels and sign writing plus whatever else comes along

[Image: 577054_277736932324756_100002653558983_5...9788_n.jpg]
[Image: 385695_277236835708099_100002653558983_5...4197_n.jpg]

Re: hi from kings lynn - 1616six - 03-06-2012

You could be handy to know bud Wink

I work at fluxies, live in Swaffham Smile

Welcome to the site! You going to FCS?

Re: hi from kings lynn - 4WayDiablo - 03-06-2012

Looks nice and fresh
Would have thought you would have gone for a German car given your business?
What made you chose to keep it?

I was kinda hoping this was arp that make the head studs here to give us massive discounts but welcome along!

Re: hi from kings lynn - arp - 03-06-2012

JJ0063 Wrote:You could be handy to know bud Wink

I work at fluxies, live in Swaffham Smile

Welcome to the site! You going to FCS?

when is fcs? hectic diary at the mo also have a 5week old little girl

4WayDiablo Wrote:Looks nice and fresh
Would have thought you would have gone for a German car given your business?
What made you chose to keep it?

I was kinda hoping this was arp that make the head studs here to give us massive discounts but welcome along!

i also have a 3,0D X5 that has a sign written rear window and is remapped by ourselves to 280bhp and 710nm torque! have a 1 owner '98 m3 evo also

fancied a little french hatch as a balls out track car 1: for cost and 2: to show we cover a range of cars ill post up some photos of them


Re: hi from kings lynn - 4WayDiablo - 03-06-2012

Very nice! Lots of torque out of that x5!
And liking the sound of that evo! Suppose in comparison they are quite cheap they can be supercharged by linx performance to over 500bhp... tempted? Lol

hi from kings lynn - Matt - 03-06-2012

Welcome along. Looks amazing! FCS is 2 weeks today btw Smile

Re: hi from kings lynn - arp - 03-06-2012

thanks guys couple of photos of current and some old http://www.306oc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4011&p=86582#p86582

Re: hi from kings lynn - aggyj17 - 03-06-2012

as said could be handy to know. im from sutton bridge so your just up the road from me

Re: hi from kings lynn - cwspellowe - 07-06-2012

What cam profile did you go for on the GTI6 head, and what pistons are you using?

Not saying you don't know your stuff, but clearance is so tight with these that picketed pistons or at least a decomp plate are needed for anything other that a really mild cam...

Welcome though. That Scooby needs some concave JDM wheels and then it's epic win, as opposed to it's current regular win lol

Re: hi from kings lynn - Kimmie - 07-06-2012

Welcome Smile

Re: hi from kings lynn - Welshy_Pete - 08-06-2012

Hello welcome to the peugeot 306 car forum.Big Grin