306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Thank you - Printable Version

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Thank you - Scott - 12-12-2011

Hi everyone,

From all the staff here at 306oc, and especially from Adam and myself, thank you for joining up to the club. We've had a great first week, and aside from a few minor bugs things have gone really well. We're working on new features every day for the forum based on your requests, and we are working on getting them tested on our other server before rolling them out over here.

We've had over 5,000 posts since this time on Monday, which is fantastic! We've got good support from everyone for meets, and especially for FCS in summer. I can't wait to see everyone at Ace Cafe next Monday, let alone next year.

Thank you all so much.

Re: Thank you - Dum-Dum - 12-12-2011

No worries babe xxx

Thanks everyone else for making this place pure awesome and for some of the most epic banter going.

Re: Thank you - Danny2009 - 12-12-2011

5000 posts, wonder how many matt has contributed to this lol

Thanks for taking the time to set it all up lads Smile

Re: Thank you - ginge191 - 12-12-2011

oh your welcome!!

Re: Thank you - Matt - 13-12-2011

I have contributed just over 600 Tongue

really thanks everyone for all the banter! I've got to say thanks to dum for sorting all the guides and projects out! Top lad

And a massive thanks to Scott and fooby for making this possible

Re: Thank you - Connor - 13-12-2011

*generic brown nose comment*

Re: Thank you - Foxy-jim - 13-12-2011

Cheers guys! Seems pretty decent so far!

Re: Thank you - Kimmie - 13-12-2011

Think it's us who should be saying thanks to you guys! Smile

Re: Thank you - Kaeten M - 13-12-2011

Seems like everything has gone pretty well for the first week, I'm prouda you guys Wink

Re: Thank you - taylonm - 14-12-2011

Well done Guys, now need a strictly vag section please?!

Re: Thank you - Matt - 14-12-2011

That's what the VAGaygay forums for

Re: Thank you - taylonm - 14-12-2011

Well look right, there's enough of us here to take over! So make us a vag'y section :twisted:

Re: Thank you - KrisB - 14-12-2011

You guys have a charitable donation of £10 in the kitty Big Grin

Re: Thank you - Dan! - 14-12-2011

Just been reminded after seeing Kris' post. £5 from me aswel Smile

Re: Thank you - Matt - 14-12-2011

taylonm Wrote:Well look right, there's enough of us here to take over! So make us a VAGaygay'y section :twisted:

hmmmm i thinks im outnumbered by VAGaygay owners :/

lol thinking about it there is a few of you hahah

Re: Thank you - Dan! - 14-12-2011

Think we should have a 'Team V A G' bit in all our sigs! lol

Off the top of my head:-


Not bad haha! Big Grin

Re: Thank you - Matt - 14-12-2011

its a 306 owners club!! out of that list only curt has one haha

Re: Thank you - Foxy-jim - 14-12-2011

I will back you up matt! Haha.

Re: Thank you - taylonm - 15-12-2011

Dan! Wrote:Think we should have a 'Team V A G' bit in all our sigs! lol

Off the top of my head:-


Not bad haha! Big Grin

Lets not forget Kernowjoe, he now has a Passat too!

Re: Thank you - Kwik - 20-12-2011

i donated a fiver

Re: Thank you - Jake - 20-12-2011


Re: Thank you - Scott - 20-12-2011

Thanks guys! Much love Big Grin