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pictures of my keying :( - Printable Version

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pictures of my keying :( - Matt - 12-12-2011

[Image: 00a61449.jpg]

[Image: 0fe54123.jpg]

[Image: c9d4fcff.jpg]

[Image: 23c637f2.jpg]

proper gutting Sad

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Moonstone2.0 - 12-12-2011

it's baseball bat time...and a witch hunt

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Kimmie - 12-12-2011

Nooo Sad

I agree....or just a car jack instead?

Re: pictures of my keying :( - taylonm - 12-12-2011

I just realised your nicking my colour scheme! or shall I say old colour scheme...
[Image: IMAGE_1.jpg]

As for the keying that doesnt look too bad. Most of that should buff out.

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Matt - 12-12-2011

rear quarters are down to primer, drivers door should buff hopefully, as for passenger im not sure. need to find some decent scratch stuff.

and yes taylon i did steal it Smile haha wont be for long though, only tillive refurbished my wheels i get the wheels on Smile

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Curt - 12-12-2011

Sucks mate Sad. Remember I've got a mop, G3, G10, SRP and Megs wax here and you're welcome to use it. Will be able to improve on it at least

Re: pictures of my keying :( - mark_airey - 12-12-2011

Gutted mate Sad, see how you get on with the polish, I would take up the offer of the nice Curt man above as you will have arms like popeye trying to polish that out by hand!

Re: pictures of my keying :( - taylonm - 12-12-2011

Matt Wrote:rear quarters are down to primer, drivers door should buff hopefully, as for passenger im not sure. need to find some decent scratch stuff.

and yes taylon i did steal it Smile haha wont be for long though, only tillive refurbished my wheels i get the wheels on Smile

Thats cool man, I'd keep running it how it is for the rest of winter. Save you f*cking up nice wheels over the festive season. Its a f*cking annoying when people do this. My current Passat has a line on the rear door and rear quarter.

Re: pictures of my keying :( - smanfa - 12-12-2011

Thats horrible Sad poor car! X

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Mattcheese31 - 12-12-2011

i think Foxy did it . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wink

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Matt - 12-12-2011

Mattcheese31 Wrote:i think Foxy did it . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wink
the barsteward i had my suspicions

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Jacko - 12-12-2011

I seriously think you need to drag the bloke ass to a cash point, and threaten him until you get your cash. make him cry like a little bitch!

Re: pictures of my keying :( - darrenjlobb - 12-12-2011

Thats gutting mate.....cant stand things like this going on Sad

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Grant - 12-12-2011

Sorry to see this mate.

Saw your car at FCS and it was tidy. No doubt you'll get it sorted...

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Pete - 12-12-2011

Gutted for you fella, hate to see shit like this happen to peoples cars Sad

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Matt - 12-12-2011

Well I'm taking curt up on his offer, going to try and polish out as much as we can, if much doesn't come out then I guess it time to learn to spray properly Smile

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Niall - 12-12-2011

You don't have to spray it. There are ways to do it with a touch up pen and having it look good. Bit time consuming but I've seen it done and was barely noticeable.

Sorry I didn't upload them pics yesterday mate. Got a call out to London, then Canterbury and then Poole Sad spent all of yesterday driving!

Re: pictures of my keying :( - mark_airey - 12-12-2011

NiallHarper Wrote:You don't have to spray it. There are ways to do it with a touch up pen and having it look good. Bit time consuming but I've seen it done and was barely noticeable.

Sorry I didn't upload them pics yesterday mate. Got a call out to London, then Canterbury and then Poole Sad spent all of yesterday driving!

^^ this is what I was saying in my earlier post matey, see how polishing goes first but if you want to ask anything just give me a shout Smile

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Matt - 13-12-2011

Cheers mark I will do Smile just not sure how good a touch up pen will be as its moonstone and bloody near impossible to match,

And Niall that's okay Smile call outs are more important than my photos lol. But if you were in Poole you should have given me a shout. Only round the corner Smile

Re: pictures of my keying :( - mark_airey - 13-12-2011

Would be no different to spraying and it will be a smaller area as it won't be far out, get one from Peugeot, they are surprisingly cheap for things like that and what experience I have had of their paint was a bloody good match but then it is their colour Smile

Re: pictures of my keying :( - Midnightclub - 13-12-2011

Bad times mate, hopefully you find the little scrote that did it!