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Inside car go pro mounts - Printable Version

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Inside car go pro mounts - Frosty - 16-06-2017

With pugfest coming up i'm thinking about trying to sort out a mount for inside my estate for the SJ cam (cheaper go pro) that me and mr fish have as last year there weren't allowing them on the outside for going up the hill. Just wondered if any others have got a mount sorted inside the car at all?

RE: Inside car go pro mounts - Midnightclub - 16-06-2017

I just got a genuine go pro suction mount think it was about 25 quid, then a cheap screw in adapter to connect it to the SJ, means it can be used externally too


Can attach it to the windows inside

RE: Inside car go pro mounts - Dum-Dum - 18-06-2017

Other than the usual suction cup inside the windscreen I made this. I'll be using it this year but all my runs are morning so if you want it after that your welcome to borrow. It was really cheap to make though. A bit of tube, an L bracket, a few u bolts and some wing nuts, must have been about £3.


RE: Inside car go pro mounts - Frosty - 18-06-2017

Ok cheers for the replys guys. I may take you up on borrowing that cheers Chris.

RE: Inside car go pro mounts - Eeyore - 18-06-2017

Ive got a go pro in the rallye. The mount was fairly cheap about 5er... mounted to the roll cage Wink Fitting a roll cage is by far the best way to mount your gopro.