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SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Printable Version

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SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Eeyore - 06-01-2017

Hey Guys,

We all know peugeot some how overlooked this so Ive come up with a simple solution. I know people wedge cans in places but this looks right and fits well. Almost OEM if it wasnt for the texture. For people with 3 doors and 5 doors with windy electric windows then this one is for you! Sorry electric rear window people!


[Image: CUP2_zps0txawqeq.jpg]

[Image: CUP1_zpsghjaz65i.jpg]


Remove the pot and dremel the sides slightly to accept the extra width...

[Image: IMG_20170106_113821_zpsqyvipo5k.jpg]

stick it in place and dremmel the spacing tabs down if required...

[Image: IMG_20170106_113849_zpsafizdkim.jpg]


[Image: IMG_20170106_114021_zpsgbfyj5sv.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20170106_114048_zpshbmzz49o.jpg]

Fits the largest reasonable thing I can find however as depth is limited and its obviously a tall and heavy beverage I would recommend using it for ciders.

[Image: IMG_20170106_114218_zpskr60thr0.jpg]

Im now going to remodel it so its about 10mm deeper.

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - dr_jekyll - 06-01-2017

If it wasnt for rear electric windows id be all over this [CRYING FACE] might have to relocate tge switches to make way

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

As a thought for 5 door electric people how about another panel to relocate the switches to the ashtray in the back..... appeal to both markets then?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Eeyore - 06-01-2017

the switches are built into the panel im not sure they can be taken out easily? Ill have to find my set. either way its expensive enough as it is without having a panel as well. Ill have to look into my own 3D printer as the above comes out at about £50 posted. Its high quality but clearly people want stuff cheaper and are happy to sacrifice quality.

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - MY95 - 06-01-2017

Would have been so up for buying one of these if you did a group buy, but £50 :O

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Dum-Dum - 06-01-2017


RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Matt - 06-01-2017

That's a quick way to hurt my pocket! But needs must!

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Eeyore - 06-01-2017

Not my choice thats what the 3d printing service im using costs. I havent said they are for sale yet. Unfortunately thats what a quick turn around, posted high quality 3d printing service costs! If I have my own printer obviously they will be way cheaper but I dont so until then its £40 + £10 postage a throw!

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Piggy - 06-01-2017

Its nice....but yeah, youch. The switches do pop out of the panel on a 5dr sammy boy, maybe worth looking into?

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Mattcheese31 - 07-01-2017

Would have thought much cheaper to use fibreglass Smile

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Eeyore - 07-01-2017

(07-01-2017, 05:24 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: Would have thought much cheaper to use fibreglass Smile

yes but that would involve me having to make something which I dont have time for. Ive got time to design not to make.

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Mattcheese31 - 07-01-2017

(07-01-2017, 05:43 PM)Eeyore Wrote:
(07-01-2017, 05:24 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: Would have thought much cheaper to use fibreglass Smile

yes but that would involve me having to make something which I dont have time for. Ive got time to design not to make.

it's really good don't get me wrong, shame 3d printing is so expensive, it'll come down in time soon I would imagine Smile

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - tigerstyle - 07-01-2017

Get a quote on a slow and lower quality print? It's out of site, people just want function not form.
I'd be interested for a tenner all in? Not 5* that. But I can see the one you have being worth at.

I've sandpaper, I can finish a rough print easily enough!

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Rippthrough - 07-01-2017

Takes way too long to print one to get that in at a tenner, even for an FDM printer with a lower quality print.

The best way would be to have a male and female mould printed, prepped and then fibreglass 'em, but that's only worth it if you have 20+ people.

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Magenta Sunset - 07-01-2017

vacuum forming?

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Eeyore - 08-01-2017

(07-01-2017, 10:04 PM)Magenta Sunset Wrote: vacuum forming?

yep that would be the ideal way to do it. Again unfortunately not something I own!

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - zx_volcane - 08-01-2017

£50 isn't exactly bad for a custom part

bet laser cutting flanges is about same price for one offs

mind zx already has one stock, so nerrrnrrrreeerrr nerrr :p

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - allye - 08-01-2017

I'll stick the double cup holder for £5 in my HDI thread!

RE: SRowells 3D Printed Cup Holders - Magenta Sunset - 08-01-2017

(08-01-2017, 12:46 AM)Eeyore Wrote:
(07-01-2017, 10:04 PM)Magenta Sunset Wrote: vacuum forming?

yep that would be the ideal way to do it. Again unfortunately not something I own!

I've been looking at making a diy former (youtube etc) with a mind to make small runs of odd bits n bobs.