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Morette wiring - Printable Version

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Morette wiring - rik1254 - 16-05-2012

Why cant I find a simple guide....either written in some jibberish or the diagram is for the main beam/ side lights.....and I need to know how to wire the dipped beam in.

Anyone have a complete diagram or clear written guide?

Its for P2/3 morettes, coming from H7 to H4....unless H7's can be wired in?

Re: Morette wiring - Daniel306 - 16-05-2012

Would it not be easier to look at and orignal ph2 headlight and copy the way it wire, or get scrap ones like i did and use the loom from them

Re: Morette wiring - rik1254 - 16-05-2012

I thought p2 and p3 lights were the same up to the point if the lenses?

Re: Morette wiring - Eeyore - 17-05-2012

I thought the wiring was exactly the same and you just needed the Phase 3 light stalk to make them work properly? Ive got some morettes which ive never got out the drawer since i got them. Ill have a go at some point!

Re: Morette wiring - Daniel306 - 17-05-2012

Ph2 uses H4 bulbs and ph3 uses H7 so the loom is slightly different

Re: Morette wiring - swampy - 17-05-2012

I just made jump wires from the original connector to the morette ones