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big red camaro - Printable Version

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big red camaro - Ben Jay - 15-05-2012

Re: big red camaro - ginge191 - 15-05-2012

meh id lose it in the twistys

Can never see the interest in these american muscle cars, yeh id take one for the pure sound, but apart from that, they just seem so past...

big red camaro - ant2390 - 15-05-2012


Re: big red camaro - Pete - 15-05-2012

Awesome. Not much beats a muscle car for noise,looks and general all round cool-ness. Went to the American classic meet in Leeds at the weekend, some epic stuff turned up.

[Image: 581994_3489991802765_1060574700_3091175_888461140_n.jpg]

[Image: 544697_3490006083122_1060574700_3091207_...9252_n.jpg]

[Image: 319792_3490024363579_1060574700_3091248_565673462_n.jpg]

big red camaro - Matt - 15-05-2012

Love American cars, but who can afford to fuel the bloody things! I mean a 9 litre? That's gunna piss money up the walls lol

Re: big red camaro - Niall - 15-05-2012

That is about all the Americans do well and they don't even do it any more. These old muscle cars are epic!

Re: big red camaro - Eeyore - 15-05-2012

mmm like that video! bit long but yes i want that car! with the flat bonnet without the super massive scoop!

Re: big red camaro - Toby - 15-05-2012

Love the rear wheel stabilisers on that SS ninja

Re: big red camaro - samass - 16-05-2012

i f*cking love old yank muscle cars. im such a redneck. i dont care if all they do is straight line noise and petrol guzzling, want, want, want.

Re: big red camaro - Andy - 16-05-2012

Thats awesome...

I do love the old muscle cars... but 9 litre :O I could afford to fuel that to the end of my drive... thats it

Re: big red camaro - Ben Jay - 16-05-2012

This is the article about it http://www.speedhunters.com/2012/05/the ... in-camaro/

Re: big red camaro - Midnightclub - 16-05-2012

Those muscle cars are epic! Need to be boosted IMO.. big capacity twin turbo charger r/t mmmm...