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Someone has actually built a transformer! - Printable Version

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Someone has actually built a transformer! - Niall - 14-05-2012

How epic is this!

http://www.topgear.com/india/car-news/s ... /itemid-50

Watch the video.

Re: Someone has actually built a transformer! - Eeyore - 14-05-2012

omg that is epic!

Re: Someone has actually built a transformer! - 4WayDiablo - 14-05-2012

Haha now that is smart!

Re: Someone has actually built a transformer! - kingy - 15-05-2012

this is why you need the rep button. wow.

Re: Someone has actually built a transformer! - Strikeforce - 15-05-2012

That is awsome

Someone has actually built a transformer! - Matt - 15-05-2012

This is amazing!!!!

Re: Someone has actually built a transformer! - Kimmie - 15-05-2012

I want it!!!