306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Hello all :) - Printable Version

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Hello all :) - Taffy duck - 02-08-2016

Hello all my names Kalon and I live in Scotland :SmileI've had about 15 dturbos in my time driving and I've just bought a 306 hdi :Smile door :Smiles there anyone else on here from Scotland?

RE: Hello all :) - Mattcheese31 - 03-08-2016

Few Scotch members but not me, welcome to the club mate Smile

Hello all :) - bashbarnard - 03-08-2016

Welcome along youve had more than me!! Again not from scotland though

RE: Hello all :) - Taffy duck - 03-08-2016

I was looking for another phase 1 but up here there as rare as hens teeth to find Sad hopefully once my cars up to standard I can come to some meets Smile

Hello all :) - MisterGTR - 03-08-2016

In Glasgow with a 6 I've not had enough time (or been injury free) to do work on. Runs okay but clunks over speed bumps since I got b12 kit. Need to figure out what it is. Top mounts been done. Steering rack change is next on list but not sure if I'll get it done this year as I've knackered my wrist!

Welcome to forum.

RE: Hello all :) - carlukepeugeot - 05-08-2016

You can guess where I'm from from my username lol... Not far from Lanark. Driving a Nile blue ph2 Dturbo. Saw a really nice blaze 6 today, just up at Newhouse.

RE: Hello all :) - Stuart C - 14-09-2016

I'm from Scotland too mate over in Fife Smile got a phase 2 sedan at the moment Smile on the hunt for a Bosch pump kit for it Smile

RE: Hello all :) - Eeyore - 15-09-2016

welcome to the forum!