306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Wanted: Ph3 gti6 fuel pump relay and some wiring - Printable Version

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Ph3 gti6 fuel pump relay and some wiring - ozonehostile - 21-05-2016

I need to get a replacement fuel pump relay for the '6 as I cracked it the other day and I need either the complete wiring harness from under the passenger side wheel arch or just the round plugs from it. 

Anyone got what i need?

RE: Ph3 gti6 fuel pump relay and some wiring - ozonehostile - 28-05-2016


RE: Ph3 gti6 fuel pump relay and some wiring - ozonehostile - 22-06-2016

Someone must have something!
One of the last pieces I need to put the gti on the road

RE: Ph3 gti6 fuel pump relay and some wiring - powerandtorque - 23-06-2016

I've got a GTi-6 fuel pump relay but can't help with the wiring I'm afraid. £13 delivered for the relay.