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Kids ! - Printable Version

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Kids ! - cully - 03-05-2016

had to smile at my daughters recent message via Facebook
she is in east sussex livingĀ  out of a caravan while she is trainingĀ 

message red......

Quote:Pikey washing line Bit of static rope and some recently learnt knot tieing haha

followed by these pictures



RE: Kids ! - Dum-Dum - 03-05-2016

Anyone else would have tied it off to the tow bar

RE: Kids ! - Redordead89 - 03-05-2016

Maybe most would but I say clever cookie unless it's real windy! Keeps the jeans and long stuff off the deck! Smile

RE: Kids ! - zx_volcane - 03-05-2016

(03-05-2016, 06:31 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Anyone else would have tied it off to the tow bar

maybe they would, but takes genius to take it from the front towing eye and get the height off the back

RE: Kids ! - Eeyore - 03-05-2016

Could move the car forwards to get even more length...

RE: Kids ! - WiNgNuTz - 04-05-2016

(03-05-2016, 09:16 PM)Eeyore Wrote: Could move the car forwards to get even more length...

Giggidy? Big Grin

You love a bit of length, don't you Sam. Wink