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What is this relay - Printable Version

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What is this relay - Michaelc5086 - 14-02-2016

Had problems with the gti starting. I thought I had a low voltage issue but now not sure. 

I charged the battery and cleaned the earth's and this seems to have stopped my gauges from bouncing. But still no start. It will turn over and sometimes tries to start but I'm not sure it's getting enough fuel. I can hear the fuel rail turning on and off.

Have tracked a problem to the ticking relay behind the ecu? Does anybody know what this is for?

Further to that I have noticed I haven't had to put my immobiliser code in for a while. It's still showing as green and letting me turn the key. But it isn't starting. Has anybody had this issue?

RE: What is this relay - fatlapit - 14-02-2016

Its the main realay for fuel etc. If its ticking its broke get a new one i bet it works

RE: What is this relay - Michaelc5086 - 14-02-2016

God I hope so. It's too cold to cycle .

RE: What is this relay - Michaelc5086 - 16-02-2016

Replaced the relay and it is still clicking on and off. Also the immobiliser still hasn't armed itself even when the battery has been removed for a couple of days. It still hasn't asked me for a code