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Steering rack ratios? - Printable Version

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Steering rack ratios? - Ant306d - 17-01-2016

Hi guys, ive just got myself a 98 306d, is there any differences in the steering rack between that and the gti one? Looking for a quicer ratio rack as the diesel one feels quite vague and to many turns lock to lock! Also other then discs is there much difference between the standard rear beam and the gti one?

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Toms306 - 17-01-2016

GTi steering rack is rubbish for tight town streets or parking, massive turning circle to stop it fouling on the gearbox. Check your track rods and tracking for vagueness.

The torsion bars and anti-roll bar are much thicker on the GTi rear beam, as well as being around 30mm lower.

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Ant306d - 17-01-2016

Ah is it! Im going to be road rallying the car so was wondering if something off a different model would help rather then looking at the quick rack route. Suspension and steering bits are all good, just wanted to cut down number of lock-lock turns! Is the rear axle pretty much straight swap other then h/brake cables?

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Toms306 - 17-01-2016

Yeah rear axle is a straight swap, though you'll need to adjust brake lines to include a load compensator when changing to discs and as you say, handbrake cables as well.

I believe the Xsara VTS uses a quicker rack but I'll need someone to confirm that lol.

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Mattcheese31 - 17-01-2016

Xsara vts rack as said Smile

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Niall - 17-01-2016

Yeah VTS rack and in particular, a PH1 VTS. I believe the PH1 rack is 2.1 turns lock to lock and the PH2 is 2.4 lock to lock.

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Stef205 - 17-01-2016

xsara ph1 is 2.4 turns square drive ph2 2.6 turns with spline drive

RE: Steering rack ratios? - powerandtorque - 18-01-2016

Ph2 VTS rack is square drive as well Stef - it's the PAS unions that differ so you need the matching pipes from the Xsara as 306 ones won't fit.

It's ZX 16v that uses the spline drive quick rack AFAIK

As said above though, if your current rack feels vague I'd suggest something is wrong as they're normally fairly precise.

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Stef205 - 18-01-2016

my bad couldnt quite remember

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Ant306d - 19-01-2016

Thanks guys will look into it? Vague probably not the best description, more number of turns comparec to my previous recent cars!

RE: Steering rack ratios? - Day666 - 23-01-2016

Phaze 1 2.4 rack fits into original 6 if your using one with no mods apart from using the 6 Ram

Phaze 2 2.6 rack needs fitting mods on pipework

RE: Steering rack ratios? - -ER- - 04-04-2016

Hey guys who knows, Partner/Berlingo fitting ?
I searching vts ph1 but I can find Smile
But there are too many Partner/Berlingo

Does anyone have any information about that?

Partner/Berlingo Rack ?