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Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Printable Version

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Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

Anyone know this prat?

Late ph1, maybe parts special P reg "Dturbo". Quite sure a 5dr though. Diablo red, rather faded.
Black 14" swallows. Reg was obscured by dirt n bad plate but was P--- NOA I think. Not 100% on the ''N''

About 6:45pm ish Friday 13th.

Chap was early 30s i rekon, straggly beard/goaty thing.

Joined M50 going east on J1. 

I spotted it, smelt veg oil n noticed the xmas effect rear lights and wondered if maybe someone 306oc related... So followed for a little while... He wasnt hanging about mind.
Went round m50 end and joined M5 south. All seemed fine, usual cloud of coal from it, kept following, nothing that odd, I didnt try and get close or overtake etc
Traveled to next junction (tewksbury junc)...

Gave a little flash as I exited...

Then he did his best to cause a huge accident.

He dived off the motorway at last minute and slammed on his brakes in front, locking up a wheel and leaving a huge black line, I anchored up no problem and nearly came to a stop to avoid, (thankfully no one behind me, traffic was quite busy) a swerve or two and he stopped on hard shoulder for a moment, I took chance and blasted passed.
Traffic lights at end of slip road were red.
I stop.
He pulls up tight to my right Fing n blinding and threatening to kick the life of out me!? Then screeches off wheels a spinning back round and off down M5 again.

I'm left rather annoyed, heart racing and mostly confused!

Anyone think of the owner from description?! Needs to stop taking whatever he is taking!

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Paul_13 - 14-11-2015


RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - zx_volcane - 14-11-2015

Sounds like a complete mentalist, unfortunately you do bump into them on the road, and seem quite happy to cause a major accident to prove a point.

Time for a dashcam? That or a Connor onboard at all times.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - thododd - 14-11-2015


Was worried it was starting to sound like me ..... diablo derv, straggly beard, often on m5. But it definitely wasnt

Ill keep an eye peeled for him

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - bashbarnard - 14-11-2015

Have to go with tom.on this one a dash cam would seem like a good idea

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Niall - 14-11-2015

And what are you going to do if you do find out who it was?

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Paul_13 - 14-11-2015

Cuddle him

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Toms306 - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 09:53 AM)Niall Wrote: And what are you going to do if you do find out who it was?

Rant at him for 5 minutes?

Since I've had my dash cam I've caught all sorts of things, I just can't be arsed to upload them lol, really should. Haven't had any major near misses lately though (bar a lorry trying to squish me by pulling back into the slow lane next to a sliproad, but that was to far back for the cam to catch), since the day before I refitted the camera. Sad lol

It seems like he took offense to your flashing him though...not in any way condoning what he did but I'm not sure randomly flashing people because you have a similar car is a great idea. Confused

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

Ironically i had the sj fitted all day and had turned it off only a few minutes prior!!
I had assumed he had recognised the car tbh by his driving...hence the flash. I flash n wave to loads of friends, people who notice me.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Toms306 - 14-11-2015

You should never assume, it makes an ass out of u and me. lol

I never flash or beep randomly as it can so easily be taken the wrong way, even a light 'pip' to warn when someone is illegally reversing out of a blind driveway onto a main road can get people wound up from experience lol.

Then again I don't have enough local friends to worry about haha, no-one recognises me in the inconspicuous Focus anyway. ninja Do get the odd nod/wave from other 'nice' Focus/Fiesta drivers occasionally though, then spend the rest of the day trying to work out if I know them or if it's just because we both have a similar car...chances are they probably think I'm someone else lol.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Dum-Dum - 14-11-2015

I occasionally wave at people I don't know in passing just cos I know they'll be wandering all day where they know me from.

Also I can honk at who I like, I have a hillbilly mobile with more dents than a golf ball so nobody is gonna say shit.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 08:52 AM)Paul_13 Wrote: *moron

Running joke after I spelt it wrong once lol

(14-11-2015, 09:53 AM)Niall Wrote: And what are you going to do if you do find out who it was?

To be honest...just ask what I did?! 

I was totally astounded at his unbelievably dangerous reaction to a quick flash

He also needs to know all his rear lights are to absolute pot

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Niall - 14-11-2015

Just forget it. Tbh i experience so much road rage I've just let it go over my head now. Theres no point in getting wound up over other peoples stupidity. If he's small minded enough to have to almost cause an accident like that, let him be. He will soon do it to someone who will stop him and drag him out the car.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

I'm sure like all us of we see madness on almost every journey but its been years since I have personally experienced such stupidity and rage like this.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Toms306 - 14-11-2015

Or maybe he's built like a brick shithouse and not someone you want to mess with anyway...

Chances are he'll do it in front of a cop car eventually, the problem with doing anything dodgy in the dark lol. I was cruising at 75 on cruise control the other night, road was totally empty and I saw a pair of new Focus headlights coming flying up in the fast lane, I'd estimate 90+ given my own speed. Anyway, he pulled in right in front of me...and a police car that had been behind him pulled alongside with no blues or anything and matched his speed, I would imagine he shat himself lol, hit the brakes and the cop car carried on (at more than 75 with no blues...hmm...) the new Focus slowed so much I had to overtake him. lol

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Mattcheese31 - 14-11-2015

It was me, sorry I was having a bad day Big Grin

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - cully - 14-11-2015

did i skim read right?

piggy tailgated 306, 306 pissed off, anchored up to stop tailgater, worked a treat


RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 12:15 PM)cully Wrote: did i skim read right?

piggy tailgated 306, 306 pissed off, anchored up to stop tailgater, worked a treat


See...I would accept it if I had...

But I hadn't got close, cut him up or beeped at him repeatedly etc.

He dived onto the motorway, coaling like hell, I just followed along for a while basically...

Tbh he was motoring as such speed I didnt want to go passed him

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - cully - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 12:41 PM)Piggy Wrote:
(14-11-2015, 12:15 PM)cully Wrote: did i skim read right?

piggy tailgated 306, 306 pissed off, anchored up to stop tailgater, worked a treat


See...I would accept it if I had...

But I hadn't got close, cut him up or beeped at him repeatedly etc.

He dived onto the motorway, coaling like hell, I just followed along for a while basically...

Tbh he was motoring as such speed I didnt want to go passed him

AhhHHH you chased him Big Grin

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

Yeah like a maniac lol

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - toseland - 14-11-2015

lol,   "there was a twat driving a red 306 like a twat so i drove like a twat to keep up with him for a little bit"

anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? little hypocritical of you wasnt it? "treat others as you wish to be treated" i guess means very little

(14-11-2015, 07:50 AM)Piggy Wrote: He pulls up tight to my right Fing n blinding and threatening to kick the life of out me!? Then screeches off wheels a spinning back round and off down M5 again.

How long did you have a conversation with him? 5 or so seconds of you speaking is usually enough.

Maybe he just knew you...   could be most of the people on this forum tbh

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

Sod off toseland.

You might drive like someone who doesn't care about others, but I don't.

It wasn't a conversation...a conversation is two way!

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - HDi--Power - 14-11-2015

This forum makes me lol sometimes

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - toseland - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 04:19 PM)Piggy Wrote: Sod off toseland.

You might drive like someone who doesn't care about others, but I don't.

It wasn't a conversation...a conversation is two way!

two wrongs dont make a right... 

if you want to air your opinion in such a public way, then expect people to call you and your stupid decisions out..

you DID drive like someone who doesnt care about others, by chasing him..    

hypocrisy rating 11 out of 10

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - WiNgNuTz - 14-11-2015

Tbf though, if you didn't know the guy, 1) why chase him, and 2) why flash your lights at him?

And as with most spotted threads, unless you specifically recognised the car, or it had oc stickers on it, it probably wasn't one of us. The fact that its a 306 (or even a dturbo) isn't enough to assume it might be one of our members. Nospeak

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - procta - 14-11-2015

(14-11-2015, 04:48 PM)HDi--Power Wrote: This forum makes me lol sometimes
I think the same too,

piggy sounds to me it was just some chav who bought a cheap 306, as proper car lovers don't go on like that. As tom says a flash or a beep could be taking the wrong way.
I did give a metro lad a thumbs up when he was heading towards me down Mallory park, As some of the metro lads are from there, He gave me a thumbs up too! The proper mini boys wave at each other as well as the land rover boys too.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - zx_volcane - 14-11-2015

Regardless of any perceived provocation, no excuse for putting other road users in danger as described - actions like that on the motorway can easily be lethal.

I'd forget about it and move on until you encounter the next arsehole.

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - Piggy - 14-11-2015

Careful everyone...

If you follow a vehicle, you are now considered chasing them.

Also be careful, it is considered normal that a quick hello flash is a fine reason for the driver to swerve across lanes on a busy motorway at well over 70mph and slam their brakes on in front and be threatened with violence...

People need to just not bother commenting when all they have to say is argumentative twaddle

(wingnutz: didn't assume was a member, just if someone knew the car. And so what if it WAS a member? - Would you then defend them for dangerous driving?)

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - toseland - 14-11-2015

How about this..

if you dont want people to comment, dont f*cking post? ok?

Not to mention that flashing of lights and beeping is illegal, as per the highway code and should only be used to warn a driver of your presence at the appropriate time..

i am sure "flashing" people whom you know is still illegal/in contravention of the highway code..

1. if you were so appalled by his behaviour why follow him,
2. if he was driving like a lunatic, speeding etc, the highway code suggests slowing slightly to increase the distance between you and the vehicle, indeed the IAM suggests this also..
3. why flash? were you indicating your presence to him? in a time of potential danger?

4. why post anything on here at all, and then whine about people posting their opinion about it? like i said before, if you dont like responses stick up another youtube video that will be seen by a damn sight smaller amount of people than on here and you can disallow comments there too

the appropriate course of action would be to record his registration, and then proceed carefully to your local police station and report him with a full description so they may investigate and take any action that they deem necessary..

RE: Spotted. 306 red dturbo morron m50/m5 - WiNgNuTz - 14-11-2015

No, I wouldn't defend them for dangerous driving at all, but I can't help feeling like you didn't exactly help this situation. Nothing can excuse the other driver for his reckless endangerment of other road users, but if you hadn't flashed your lights at him, he would have carried on his merry way wouldn't he?

As others have said, I think the best course of action here is to forget about it and get on with your life. If you have his reg, then by all means report him to the police (google "operation crackdown", no need to go to your local station), but there really isnt much more that can be acheived from this thread.