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CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Printable Version

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CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

Well guys and girls im afraid i had an incident tonight someone decided to undertake me at stupid speed whilst i turned into a side street at less than 20mph and this was the result im devastated ad battered and bruised, and very lucky

[Image: Screenshot_2012-05-05-02-36-26.png]

[Image: Screenshot_2012-05-05-02-36-15.png]

bit of a bump to the head too

[Image: Screenshot_2012-05-05-02-36-40.png]

bit of a sad day for me

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - samass - 05-05-2012

christ dude, that's a mess! the bump on the head the only damage to you? got away lucky i'd say! gutted about the car tho man, yours was the only blaze one i've liked Sad
good thing you're all good tho

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

samass Wrote:christ dude, that's a mess! the bump on the head the only damage to you? got away lucky i'd say! gutted about the car tho man, yours was the only blaze one i've liked Sad
good thing you're all good tho

Think iv cracked a rib or two but hard to tell as pain all over tbh, oh il be looking for another blaze very soon to bring to life Smile just devo'd cos id put a hell of a lot of effort into this over the years was attached haha

CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - TheGateKeeper - 05-05-2012

As said over on .net. Gutted for you! But at least your ok Smile

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - samass - 05-05-2012

sounds unpleasant dude! can imagine, must suck to lose the car! looking forward to seeing what you do with the next one tho.

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

TheGateKeeper Wrote:As said over on .net. Gutted for you! But at least your ok Smile

I no bud ta for comment il be ok just devastated because really wanted to go FCS, still going to try and come somehow even if havent sorted a pug by then wanna meet everyone on here Smile

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - 4WayDiablo - 05-05-2012

Ouch dude! Not good
Bit off topic but are they ace 182?

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Niall - 05-05-2012

Main thing is your ok!....ish
Just quickly, what way were you turning into the side street? Damage is on the drivers side so surely he was overtaking?

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Louis123 - 05-05-2012

As said on 306.net hope your ok and such a shame the car was lovely, gave me inspiration for my blaze

CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Jake - 05-05-2012

Sad times mate Sad hope it gets sorted quickly bud.

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - MrsMidnight - 05-05-2012

Ouchie to both car n you! Not good but least your not too badly hurt, could have been a lot worse!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Ouch dude! Not good
Bit off topic but are they ace 182?

yup ones smashed to bits on opposite side where car span round and ended up hitting kerb and missing a lamp post

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

Niall Wrote:Main thing is your ok!....ish
Just quickly, what way were you turning into the side street? Damage is on the drivers side so surely he was overtaking?

yeah that would be correct, i was overtook i was still in shock last night when got in and wrote this just tried moving and my ribs av gone a think so hospital for me

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Scott - 05-05-2012

Damn he must have been driving pretty quick. I'm guessing you were indicating? Hopefully there will be no issues with liability and you get paid out quickly, and also that you have a quick recovery

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Dum-Dum - 05-05-2012

CJ_Derv Wrote:
Niall Wrote:Main thing is your ok!....ish
Just quickly, what way were you turning into the side street? Damage is on the drivers side so surely he was overtaking?

yeah that would be correct, i was overtook i was still in shock last night when got in and wrote this just tried moving and my ribs av gone a think so hospital for me

I was gonna say the same thing as Niall.

Looks like a nasty crash though mate, Hope you get well soon.

CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Matt - 05-05-2012

Shit mate that looks f*cking bad! Lucky escape there for you mate! Smashed your side right in! Glad your okay and on the lookout for another 306 Big Grin

On another note, bet the driver shit himself when you got out the car, seeing the size of you haha

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - spike2002 - 05-05-2012

Get better soon dude Sad gutted for you was a tidy car main thing is that you got out alive. Looks a nasty smash does that :/

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Scott - 05-05-2012

Out of interest what was the other driver in? Looks like it hit you pretty high up so I imagine it was something like a jeep/4x4! If so you were pretty lucky you weren't hurt even more!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - WiNgNuTz - 05-05-2012

Harsh one dude, not to be a sheep or anything, but this has been the only Blaze ive actually kinda liked, shame to see it with a huge hole in the side! Good job your ok though dude, looks like someone was watching over you!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

Cheers Everyone, im just glad im in one piece, there will be another 306, i would have never got rid of her, so will find a replacement hopefully a blaze or something a little different Smile ta for the comments and I WILL BE BACK haha

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Connor - 05-05-2012

Gives you a chance to get one in a decent colour lol

You were all thinking it!

[serious]Atleast youre ok though mate[/serious]

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Bananalad - 05-05-2012

Thats tough Sad Your lucky there was no more damage done to yourself that drivers door looks bent in a good bit!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 05-05-2012

Oh i took a good bit of impact as door ended up where my arse was sat on the seat pushed the side cushioning right over had to wiggle out as arm was stuck between seat and door pillar

here how his golf mk 2 S3 looked
[Image: 556096_10150879966696796_537386795_12075...8123_n.jpg]

CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Matt - 05-05-2012

On another note is insurers write it off then buy it back just for the Morettes lol, plus I'm sure there would b a fair amount salvageable from the engine, Bosch pump lines injectors etc!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - silverzx - 05-05-2012

Least your alive mate! Car's can be replaced, you unfortunately cannot.

GL finding another one, rest up and get better!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 08-05-2012

yeah the engine bay is totally intact luckily had insurance on phone today they are going to come inspect the damage to see wether its repairable or a write off and they said they will let me keep it and just knock scrap value off the value they come up with, and they take mods into account when valuing too Smile not expecting much but somethings better than nout, will be looking at a fair bit for injuries as im of work and gym with broken ribs severe whiplash shattered elbow and back havin spasms

Heres some pics from this morning knocked me a bit sick tbh as didnt realise how bad it was with me still being in shock friday

[Image: 20120508_073111.jpg]

[Image: 20120508_073133.jpg]

[Image: 20120508_073151.jpg]

got upset too Sad but keep gettin a reminder im alive everytime i fookin move with the pain

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Niall - 08-05-2012

Definitely a write off. Sorry mate Sad

Still at least the insurance seem to e being reasonable about it!

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - Scott - 08-05-2012

No question that's a write off. You were fairly lucky to be honest! I mean a shattered elbow and broken ribs is never good but it could have been worse too

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - CJ_Derv - 08-05-2012

i know guys, they being good so far lets hope stays well Smile i told them its definitly a rite off lol they said they will decide lol

But it could well have been worse but even tho she buckled she saved my life Smile

Re: CJ's Blaze is Dead :( - karl1989 - 08-05-2012

after you recover are you going for another blaze or changing colour scheme