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value my carrrrr - Printable Version

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value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

right, dunno if this goes in here or not, bu ho hum, mods can move if they feel the need

basically, had a guy leave a note on my car asking me if i would sell my car, had a chat to him, and decided we'd both go away, value it and then talk numbers.
he has one thats the same, other than its a 1.6 xl, and he says the body is mint, but the engine is gone (headgasket, i know, easy enough to sort, but cba telling him that, he's already ripped the engine out). his idea is to make one mint car out of two

my project thread is http://www.306oc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1841, and some of you have seen her at Ace.

stats are as follows

'98 5 door venetian green xsi
tax till 08/12
test til about june irrc
shell: 101k
body work: ish, few scratches, rear passenger door and rear quarter are the worst, my sister got a quote of £200 to sort it a while back
inerior: standard cloth, and mint, bar steering wheel
no flashing lights
no rust

needs an engine mount and possible top mounts, and maybe dampers

got a ton of spares,
xsi inlet +sensors and fuel rail and injectors
gti inlet +fuel rail and sensors
gti exhaust mani
ph2 headlights
remapped ecu
4 lasers in need of a refurb
thermostat, oil, oil filter
standard airbox
spare gearbox on ~90k
gti hubs with good bearings

cars on ebay range from about 300 up to 1300, with similar ones to mine around 600 ish

much appreciated guys Smile

Re: value my carrrrr - Toby - 04-05-2012

Am I missing something?

Surely if he has a mint shell all he needs is a new engine?

Why would he pay extra for t&t etc. if he doesn't need the rest of it? Smile

Re: value my carrrrr - ginge191 - 04-05-2012

I'd say a comfortable £1500 mate.

Re: value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

Toby Wrote:Am I missing something?

Surely if he has a mint shell all he needs is a new engine?

Why would he pay extra for t&t etc. if he doesn't need the rest of it? Smile

dont really know tbh, up to him at the end of the day lol, if he wants the whole car, and he gives me good money, he can have it!

ginge191 Wrote:I'd say a comfortable £1500 mate.

really? that's a bit higher than i was expecting...

Re: value my carrrrr - ginge191 - 04-05-2012

samass Wrote:
ginge191 Wrote:I'd say a comfortable £1500 mate.

really? that's a bit higher than i was expecting...

how come?

It has a "new" engine
mint bodywork from what i saw
Has been well maintained
It's remapped, has some nice subtle additions.

The autotrader cars hitting high prices as identicle to your's just with lower milage.

Id be confident putting it up for £1500 ONO and seeing what comes your way...

Re: value my carrrrr - Scott - 04-05-2012

What will you get if you sell?

Re: value my carrrrr - Toby - 04-05-2012

Scott Wrote:What will you get if you sell?

D turbo imo.

Re: value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

the ecu thats on it isnt remapped, got it in the shed, but put all the gti bits and a decent exhaust on it and it should make what i've been told its been mapped to, which is 150
the bosy work is tidy, but i wouldn't say its mint, but a cut and polish would bring it up. just that offside rear door and quarter letting it down.
this is the damage:
[Image: 2012-03-25163201.jpg]

just got a text from him, offering £160... lol

Toby Wrote:
Scott Wrote:What will you get if you sell?

D turbo imo.

106 1.5 NAD. then save up for a '6 later in the year

Re: value my carrrrr - Toby - 04-05-2012

samass Wrote:just got a text from him, offering £160... lol

All he needs is the engine, find another buyer Smile

Re: value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

not the point tho. even if all you want are the seats, he's offering to buy the car...

also, got spare rear calipers on the spares list

Re: value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

Had another text from him asking how much id sell for, I was thinking id text him back saying I was thinking of offers around the 800 quid mark. What you think?

value my carrrrr - Matt - 04-05-2012

At least £1k as he will try to knock you down lol

Re: value my carrrrr - Grant - 04-05-2012

You need to ask yourself two different questions:

-What is it worth

-How much do you value it at

If I was to sell my car to joe public, i would be lucky to scrape £600 'cos I've molested it too much. But I wouldnt sell it for £1500 'cos I've put too much into it to see it go.

How much have you spent on it, how much did you buy it for, and do you want to get rid of it? If you answer Lots, Lots and No, then there is no point in selling (obv)

Questions I would be asking myself in your situation anyway lol

Re: value my carrrrr - 4WayDiablo - 04-05-2012

Haha 160 quid lol?

I'm with grant. For a less desirable ph2 and a less desirable 2.0petrol I'd be looking at about 6-800

Re: value my carrrrr - samass - 04-05-2012

hmm... notable points..

well, if i was being totally honest, i'd have thought it had a resale value of like 400... but thats its a thirsty petrol, and it needs a fair bit of work (IMO anyway) for which i pretty much have all the parts for, it just needs to get done. so 6-800 isnt bad!

as far as how much did i buy it for, and how much have i pout into it, its 800, then LOTS, and i love my car, but if someone gave me enough money to go out and buy a cheaper car so i can save money to then save for a '6, then i'd be silly to turn it down really. i wouldn't take any less than 6 or 700 for it dont think...

Re: value my carrrrr - Curt - 04-05-2012

Around £600 is about right I would have thought...

Re: value my carrrrr - spike2002 - 05-05-2012

I would say £550 to £700 mark with out the spares Smile dont forget you can pick a 6 up for 600 to 700 i paid £450 for mine just over a year ago on 97k r reg Smile