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Xsara vts front arb - Printable Version

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Xsara vts front arb - Teddy - 13-09-2015

Any body selling 1 would need it posting

RE: Xsara vts front arb - Dangti6 - 15-09-2015

These are no thicker than the GTi6 are they? I have one of those I can post.

RE: Xsara vts front arb - welshpug - 15-09-2015

yup, still 21mm.

also can't imagine why anyone would want a bigger one, unless they like understeer.

Xsara vts front arb - Frosty - 15-09-2015

Think the later estates have 22mm, I maybe wrong though

RE: Xsara vts front arb - Stef205 - 15-09-2015

not sure why youd want a thicker front unless understeer is your thing.

RE: Xsara vts front arb - Teddy - 15-09-2015

Sorted 1 cheers