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skf driveshafts - Printable Version

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skf driveshafts - Stef205 - 21-06-2015

So after a few days of the lsd been fitted it has killed my o/s outer joint locks up on left hand lock and bangs around etc. Ive found some skf units for good money and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them. Ive used their bearings on superchargers and pulleys with good results but have little experience with their shafts. My current shafts have been on there 4 years and have all had new boots through out there time. Any info would be appreciated.

Cheers Stef

RE: skf driveshafts - Connor - 21-06-2015

Used skf wheel bearings to good effect, and driveshafts are basically just lots of smaller bearings working together, so can't see why they wouldn't be good