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lowering torsion bar - Printable Version

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lowering torsion bar - connorp - 09-06-2015

so torsion bars, is there a threaded hole in the end of it? if so what is the thread size in the end of it? and what is the outside diameter of the splines? how long are the splines as well, like how far will the bar have to be pulled before it comes out?
I'm thinking about making a puller to lower my torsion bars instead of whacking them out with a massive hammer.

RE: lowering torsion bar - Matt - 09-06-2015

You can find pullers on eBay pretty cheap enough. Probably better than making one Wink

RE: lowering torsion bar - Alan_M - 09-06-2015

(09-06-2015, 09:38 AM)connorp Wrote: so torsion bars, is there a threaded hole in the end of it? if so what is the thread size in the end of it? and what is the outside diameter of the splines? how long are the splines as well, like how far will the bar have to be pulled before it comes out?
I'm thinking about making a puller to lower my torsion bars instead of whacking them out with a massive hammer.

Pretty sure the threaded hole on the torsion bar is an M8 thread. Be careful though, if the beam is that seized you'll pull the threads.

I've never had success with the pullers on beams that have not been apart before. Always hammers/slide hammer/hydro press with copious amounts of PlusGas.

RE: lowering torsion bar - connorp - 09-06-2015

nice one cheers guys, i will probably just end up whacking it out. or can anyone in the south east lower it for me?

RE: lowering torsion bar - Ben_w - 10-06-2015

If its not been apart for a long while, you'll likely need a press.

I just dropped a s/h beam. Needed a 12 ton press in the lorry maintenance unit next door to crack one of them free.

RE: lowering torsion bar - Iceman299 - 11-06-2015


RE: lowering torsion bar - Stef205 - 11-06-2015

id advise against the pullers ive seen it so many times where it just rips the thread out of the bars it only really works when its been apart and well greased.

lowering torsion bar - connorp - 12-06-2015

Aaah ok then, thanks for the advice Smile can anyone near the south east lower my torsion bar for me?

RE: lowering torsion bar - bashbarnard - 12-06-2015

Im near bury st Edmunds if you want to drive I can happily get my hands dirty. May be a bit for though.

lowering torsion bar - connorp - 12-06-2015

That's well too far, cheers anyway though

RE: lowering torsion bar - Ben_w - 12-06-2015

Connor, if I were you, I'd source another beam to either stick on your car whilst you deal with yours, or to do and then put onto your car once done.

Most 306's, if they haven't already, are due a beam refresh. At best, this will be new bearings and shafts on the trailing arms. If you are going to the trouble of altering the ride height, these parts are not that hard to replace.

Any beam that's not been apart anytime of late is likely to be a pain. The second hand beam I've bought took some to get apart. Despite being doused in decent releasing fluid for 3 days, only one end of one torsion bar came out without any fuss. The rest required the use of an acetylene torch and a 12 ton press in the lorry maintenance unit next door to get the torsion bars out........!

They now look like this after nbeing blasted to death...

[Image: IMAG2249_zpswstw5ak4.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2250_zpsamcbg5t6.jpg]

Get a spare beam, get the kit to get it apart and get a refresh kit. No point trying otherwise