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Debadged boot - Printable Version

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Debadged boot - connorp - 14-05-2015

Hows it done?
I'm guessing remove the badge and weld/filler over, then paint??
Also how do you open the boot with nothing to open it with? :/
Any and all help please

RE: Debadged boot - r3k1355 - 14-05-2015

You need a boot popper solenoid fitting to pop the boot for you.

Had one on my last 306, complete pain in the arse IMO.
Don't think it looked very good either personally.

RE: Debadged boot - Eeyore - 14-05-2015

Remove the badge and there is a square behind. Weld or glue in some plate behind this and then skim and respray.

If you have dewipered your car you can take the wiper motor wires to a boot popper solenoid. You then pop the boot by turning the rear wiper on and off again quickly.

[Image: j5DVZaNKBAey2.jpg]

RE: Debadged boot - Dum-Dum - 14-05-2015

Piece of piss, if you look in our guides section there is a guide in there.

Basically you can use the standard locking solenoid with a slight re wire and a bicycle spoke and a small spring to pop the boot open.
You will need somebody to weld a plate in and then get it filled and sprayed but even that is remarkably simple.

If you want the wiring/solenoid sorted feel free to bring it to me in Aylesbury I'll do it for you for free, well, a couple of beers or a pack of bacon wouldn't go amiss. I can weld and believe I have some plate here but I don't feel I'm up to the standard of doing anyone else's bodywork.

Debadged boot - connorp - 19-05-2015

Thanks a lot man, it's only an idea at the moment due to funds but I'll be in touch