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Cool Story - Printable Version

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Cool Story - Moonstone2.0 - 25-04-2012

This is a story for all the bro's and all...

The mrs took the car to get filled up and put in a full tank (this is normally about £60). I personally wasn't there but I believe her that this was the case. Then I get a call telling me the fuel gauge is only at three quarters after "brimming" it. So I think the level gauge is faulty in the tank and cant be arsed faffing about with teh beamer so I leave it and tell to to run the car based on the mileage. So then she brings it up on the weekend and we have a 150 mile round trip to my grandparents but the mileage is showing 250 miles and the gauge is nearly in the red. So because the gauge is faulty, I think ill fill up at the 400 mile mark. Head up the road and the tank gauge goes down to below the red. Just sitting on the needle and we get up to 390 miles so I stop at the nearest petrol station. Fill her up....and it keeps filling...and keeps filling...gets to £90 and then click...its full.. Confusedhock: £90 quid! that's the most we have ever paid for a tank. and guess what...the gauge jumps up to full!


So I had just driven about 110 miles on a indicated completely empty tank! OOPS! Good to know the reserve is huge but still!

So somewhere along the line something went wrong...either the pump was faulty where the mrs filled up or the mrs is just daft ( Confusedhifty: )

Scared me a bit though when I found out the gauge wasn't faulty and it would have been a difficult one to explain to the p-men should I have run out on the road!

So like I said.."cool story"...but one I will never forget!

Re: Cool Story - 4WayDiablo - 25-04-2012

[Image: Cool_story_broMiley.jpg#cool%20story%20bro]

Re: Cool Story - Ben Jay - 25-04-2012

i'd tap that rather hard...

Re: Cool Story - kingy - 25-04-2012

i had something very simular but thats another story. 110 miles??? :clap: :dance:

Re: Cool Story - Moonstone2.0 - 25-04-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:[Image: Cool_story_broMiley.jpg#cool%20story%20bro]

Oh why thank you! Big Grin I knew you wouldn't let me down Smile

Re: Cool Story - Toms306 - 25-04-2012

Haha....when I picked up the 106 yesterday the needle was reading empty so I stuck a tenner in (about 6 litres) and was still in the red lol. Drove 40ish miles since and thought i'd brim it to the click.....£57 to brim a 106!!!!! :o

The needle still didn't hit the max mark though.....but it must be full by now haha!

Re: Cool Story - THE_Liam - 25-04-2012

Was even less to brim my 106, it was petrol Wink