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D-Turbo in a terrible car - Printable Version

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D-Turbo in a terrible car - Mal - 27-02-2015

Long time no visit!

The engine
[Image: 16616357245_dbe0744a02_h.jpg]

The pump (left)
[Image: 16615212091_e752e82605_h.jpg]

The 10mm head
[Image: 15994147234_79e7ac376a_h.jpg]

The other usuals
[Image: 15996565663_251e6be81b_h.jpg]
[Image: 16616317665_c6c2b1d693_h.jpg]

The turbo
[Image: 16666424405_826a73e97d_o.jpg]

All looking good, until you see the car it's going into  Blush
[Image: cawraulla.jpg]

A few things to figure out still but I'll cross that bridge Smile

Car background: a humpy corolla lift with backbreaking seats, hateful gearknob, wanked out radio and best of all the mule of a DW8 under the bonnet. How a car can be made so hateful takes a lot of skill, hence I like it Smile 

Things to worry about include shafts, gearbox choice and clutch. Otherwise it's a drop in... Relatively! 

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - 7057sam - 27-02-2015

Ah cool idea

Watching with interest Smile

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Pebbles167 - 27-02-2015

How bizarre! I'm watching this!

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Mal - 14-03-2015

I'm at this every evening Smile

Pulled apart the turbo, not impressed with the play but otherwise solid. New bearing kit on order. In the mean time, I have a GT20 from my beloved C220 (I miss it dearly) to custom fit, same pattern as the GT23v so shouldn't be an issue swapping them after.

Cleaning up the GT23v
[Image: 16070194814_e9f336697b_h.jpg]
[Image: 16505125390_30c9704945_h.jpg]

Now I don't have much pictures of the actual engine removal as it was mostly done in the dark at night. Toyota are genius in some ways and total wankers in others. Like the engine loom, lovely simple clips that are easy to undo. But the loom isn't detachable  Angry

The only other pics I have for now are this. Hopefully I'll have a few more tomorrow Smile
[Image: 16737912246_33ee4b7aec_h.jpg]
[Image: 16762721322_713287f4e0_h.jpg]

My new trophy 
[Image: 16141481234_1179436f07_h.jpg]

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - pioneer DJ paddy - 15-03-2015

Lol f*ck me that rod got it good :-) good work so for man keep it up 

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Ruan - 15-03-2015

Holy crap those things are vile!

I love it!!!

I never knew they put the DW8 in those sheds, this is going to be a hilarious winbus!

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Poodle - 15-03-2015

Hahah this should be interesting, fair play!

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Piggy - 15-03-2015

Old man blows a rod epic! Haha

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - Paul_13 - 15-03-2015

You may of cracked the gearbox
same happened to me and the force of the gudgeon pin hitting the starter cracked the box

RE: D-Turbo in a terrible car - THE_Liam - 15-03-2015

These are hateful cars. Scary memories of being drive around by my mate in his mams Corolla, 4 wheels in the air over humpbacked bridges, dragging the handbrake on randomly, sitting with the wheels spinning at the lights waiting for them to turn green then rolling burnouts, never killed it. However, his driving eventually killed him.