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Knocking noise after brake change - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Knocking noise after brake change (/showthread.php?tid=29274)

Knocking noise after brake change - LewisG - 16-02-2015

I replaced all the brake pads, discs and flexis yesterday and now i have a horrible knocking noise coming from the offsids front wheel it goes quicker with speed and is louder at low speed

RE: Knocking noise after brake change - Jonny81191 - 16-02-2015

Sounds like you need to jack up the car, remove the wheel and have a look. It'll most likely be obvious if it's only started happening since you did the work.

RE: Knocking noise after brake change - Toms306 - 16-02-2015

See if any wheel weights are catching, I had that once, fatter pads pushed the caliper far enough over to catch them lol.

RE: Knocking noise after brake change - LewisG - 17-02-2015

Thanks guys I jacked up the car this morning it turned out to be loose wheel nuts although im sure I tightened them lol quite lucky really as i was on the a12 yesterday.

RE: Knocking noise after brake change - Toms306 - 17-02-2015

I had exactly the same thing last week, not loose enough to knock but when I went to remove the wheel they took no effort to crack off, never had them loosen before so no idea why it happened this time! Torqued to 90Nm all round now. Still doesn't seem much compared the 130Nm on the Focus lol.