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Greetings :D - Printable Version

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Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

Hello Guys and Girlies,

Just a quick introduction, some of you may know me elsewhere, but just wanted to say a big hello and introduce myself.

Im CJ from Bury / Manchester, I have a Blaze Pug 306 Dturbo, Modded and much much more to come as only recently converted to a bosch Smile
I have fallen back in love after gettin much more gains but having more playing to do Smile

Here is the Ongoing project

[Image: 20111210_123032.jpg]

Hope to chat to you all and maybe meet up sometime at shows meets etc


Re: Greetings :D - Kimmie - 20-04-2012


Those wheels look huge! lol

Re: Greetings :D - 4WayDiablo - 20-04-2012

Can I ask how long you had it ?
Looks very similar to a mate who traded his in a month or 2 ago...only pic of his I could find

[Image: Screenshot_2012-04-20-13-00-12.png]

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Can I ask how long you had it ?
Looks very similar to a mate who traded his in a month or 2 ago...only pic of his I could find

[Image: Screenshot_2012-04-20-13-00-12.png]

Ive owned this for approx 4 years lol so its not that one although they have same great taste in Blaze haha.

Im looking at respraying my wheels in black until i find some Challengers at a reasonable price or swap for these lol


Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

Kimmie Wrote:Welcome!

Those wheels look huge! lol

Heyy Smile They are only 17" lol


Greetings :D - kentiiboii - 20-04-2012

I'm sure I saw one very close to this on eBay yesterday.

Re: Greetings :D - spike2002 - 20-04-2012

welcome Big Grin

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

kentiiboii Wrote:I'm sure I saw one very close to this on eBay yesterday.

Could well be but not this one Smile and dont think i could bring myself to get rid either would have to keep and get another lol


Greetings :D - padge - 20-04-2012

There was one exactly the same on ebay also with a bosch, fmic, morettes black bonnet and wheels lol

Re: Greetings :D - gumball3000 - 20-04-2012

Welcome.. I nearly bought the one that was the same on Ebay the other day lol.. After seeing this i wish i had!!

Re: Greetings :D - 4WayDiablo - 20-04-2012

padge Wrote:There was one exactly the same on ebay also with a bosch, fmic, morettes black bonnet and wheels lol
That's the one I just posted above
He traded it in for a Clio 197 f1 cup so his p/ex went on eBay and got spotted on pugnet

But yeah freakishly similar lol

Re: Greetings :D - samass - 20-04-2012

welcome! strangely liking the matt black on the blaze... and normally i cant stand blaze, but this works!

Greetings :D - padge - 20-04-2012

I love both of these in this thread

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

Haha No way, Never seen a blaze like mine until now Smile ive had a lucas (Boooooo) for tooo long and put a bosch on few weeks ago and had a good friend make me a shiney LDA Pin and help set it up a bit, currently rebuilding T25 and need more fiddling with pump. cant get more fuel without revs hanging atm Sad lol

Mines actually Carbon Wrap doesnt look too bad, roof and boot to be wrapped when i get chance for a change lol

Thanks for warm welcome everyone.


Greetings :D - padge - 20-04-2012

I reckon you should have a drive over snake pass to barnsley Smile

Re: Greetings :D - mark_airey - 20-04-2012

Welcome along

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 20-04-2012

padge Wrote:I reckon you should have a drive over snake pass to barnsley Smile

Mite just do that when ive got me Proxes put on, il use any excuse for a spin over snakes pass lol Love that road Smile


Greetings :D - padge - 20-04-2012

Meet me Smile

Greetings :D - kentiiboii - 20-04-2012

CJ_Derv Wrote:
padge Wrote:I reckon you should have a drive over snake pass to barnsley Smile

Mite just do that when ive got me Proxes put on, il use any excuse for a spin over snakes pass lol Love that road Smile

isn't there a speed cam on snakes pass now?

Re: Greetings :D - Eeyore - 20-04-2012

Someone in Norfolk had one exactly the same but it was a 3.0 V6 Big Grin

Greetings :D - Matt - 20-04-2012

Welcome along mate Smile

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 22-04-2012

isn't there a speed cam on snakes pass now?[/quote]

Kentiiboii lol Maybe but thats why i like my Brembo's even if you can hear me squeeking all the way down the road haha

Will arrange something padge for a mish have sprung a leak tho Sad

Cheers Matt

Srowell reay i was thinking of this but just love derv lol.

Just managed to get a D8a Block complete for free off a friend so will be buidling a new donkey with Hdi rods etc i got spare Smile


Re: Greetings :D - JoshDturbo - 22-04-2012

Nice car looks better in real! Round 2 at manchester street races when i get hdi cj Wink

Re: Greetings :D - puglove - 24-04-2012

Welcome along,

Isnt there someone on .net who has a v6 conversion that looks almost identical to this aswell?

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 26-04-2012

JoshDturbo Wrote:Nice car looks better in real! Round 2 at manchester street races when i get hdi cj Wink

Haha cheers lad, its not doing too bad seeing as though i hadnt even set her up since throwing the Bosch on lol, should have seen state of the filter next day lol had hit around 300 miles on first filter on veg haha. But had Jamma help me set pump up and got me a LDA pin. so running a tad better but we need another go to get more power Smile

Cheers Puglove i havent seen this v6 tbh but they must have good taste haha, yours looks fresh in your sig


Re: Greetings :D - kingy - 26-04-2012

was gonna say it looks like the one for sale near me but already been said and obviously not that one lol.

welcome along mate. Big Grin

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 29-04-2012

Just a recent pic and under the hood (needs more work + Dump valve not in use but going when can be arsed puttin a piece of pipe in lol)

[Image: 20120421_164133.jpg]

[Image: 20120425_230622.jpg]


Greetings :D - padge - 29-04-2012

Looks awesome man

Re: Greetings :D - CJ_Derv - 30-04-2012

padge Wrote:Looks awesome man

Cheers Padge

The engine didnt look too bad last time i rebuilt her, looks nothing like this now tho haha

[Image: 43543539.jpg]

Re: Greetings :D - Welshy_Pete - 04-05-2012

Hello welcome to the peugeot 306 car forum.