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Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Printable Version

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Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Chris.M - 18-04-2012

Hi there, im Chris and I have just passed my driving test and brought a 306 D-Turbo Sedan (White) . Its getting on a bit (1994) but still in very good condition. It did have a lucas pump in it, but within about 2 hours my brother (jonny0811.....) had broken it. So spent the last couple of days fitting a bosch pump with quite a lot of help from people! Wink I don't know that much about cars, especially deisel's but keen to learn Smile So having being pestered into joining the site iv finals got round to doing it Smile Smile

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - mark_airey - 18-04-2012

Hi, fun drive home? Tongue

"Some other people".....................how dare you lol give me some credit at least Big Grin

Welcome along BTW you will learn quick, you want to know whats being changed and why which is a good thing, have a read through some of the threads on here, there is loads of interesting info.

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Jonny81191 - 18-04-2012


That lucas deserved to be broken, and now you know why a bosch is better Smile

Lets get that fuel turned down soon though ey?

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Jonny81191 - 18-04-2012

Here's some pictures of us changing the pump the other day

First job-new air filter, that one had been in since 2003!

Old pump ready to come off

Mark wrestling with the tensioner

New pump fitted!

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - mark_airey - 18-04-2012

Cheers Jonny Tongue

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Chris.M - 19-04-2012

Yea thanks mark the drive home was great! Much smoother now Smile
And yea getting the fuel turned down and then some brakes are the next priority!

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Kimmie - 19-04-2012

Welcome Smile

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - Welshy_Pete - 27-04-2012

Hello welcome to the peugeot 306 forum. :clap: :dance:

Re: Just losing my 'Peugeot Virginity' - CJ_Derv - 29-04-2012
