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Central Locking and Stereo not working (Resolved) - Printable Version

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Central Locking and Stereo not working (Resolved) - giblets - 17-04-2012

just been fiddling in the dashboard, and now my Stereo and Central locking are not working, there is no power to the stereo (checked with voltmeter).

I had a look at the fuse box and the fuse 24 (and the others near it just in case I got it wrong) is fine, although I couldn't see the clip for one side of the fuse. Any ideas? I'm still getting three clicks when I press down the drivers side door lock.

Edit: it's a Ph3.

Re: Central Locking and Stereo not working...fuse fine - Mattcheese31 - 17-04-2012

ermm i'm not best versed in phase 3's but there are some big fuses under the bonnet i believe . . . worth a look . Smile

Re: Central Locking and Stereo not working...fuse fine - giblets - 17-04-2012

had a look at those, but couldn't see anything wrong there either.

Update: Noticed when I had the indicators on that the stereo was flashing slightly, so pushed the door lock down, and the central locking locked (so at least my boot is locked now), however, as soon as the indicator was off, was back to not working.

Not sure if that is to do with the aftermarket central locking, or it getting power through somewhere else (I did try the electrics with the aftermarket central locking disconnected just in case).
But at least this does mean the central lock unit is still working.

Edit: Kind of embarrassing, had another look through the manual, appears that fuse 8 also relates to the Central locking/ stereo :oops: , all the posts I had seen point to fuse 24, so keep this in mind if you have the same issue

Fuse 8: "Passenger Compartment Protection", which I read as alarm (not fitted to mine), but seems to be central locking.