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quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: quick rack options for pas delete??????? (/showthread.php?tid=28241)

quick rack options for pas delete??????? - dr_jekyll - 10-12-2014

Looking for a quick rack option for a power steering delete setup. Whats best????

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Paul_13 - 10-12-2014

I've got a xsara vts ph2 rack with the PAS removed.
See my for sale thread

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - dr_jekyll - 10-12-2014

How much and where at bud????

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Paul_13 - 10-12-2014

I've got some brand new 306 track arms I'll throw in as 205 items are installed.

£120 delivered
£100 collected from Rg10

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Alan_M - 13-12-2014

I'm actually planning this conversion with PAS (once I get my pipes from Paul^), but never actually bothered checking whether the 306 steering column linkage will fit straight on?

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - dr_jekyll - 13-12-2014

Im completley clueless how it all works atm. Trying to research it as dont understand if the xsara one bolts straight up or not. Ir even if an xsara vts and xsara hdi rack is the same

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Jimbo - 13-12-2014

Whats the reason for wanting no PAS i dont get it

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Poodle - 13-12-2014

No pas AND a quick rack? Sounds bloody daft tbh, hope you're strong. lol

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Rippthrough - 13-12-2014

That's what I had. And plenty of negative camber, and enough castor that you couldn't get a cig paper between the tyre and the front of the arch at full lock.

Pain in the arse parking, wonderful the rest of the time.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - 7057sam - 14-12-2014

Phase 1 vts are 2.4 turns and phase 2's are 2.6.

I know they direct fit for gti6's and rallye.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Rippthrough - 14-12-2014

There's a batch of 2.2 Quaiffe racks around too, somebody made 'em for rallying with a modded rackbar made for something else - I've got one here, and the lad I bought it off reckoned there were 10-15 made, but I don't know how many are still around, I haven't seen another one yet.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - miles - 14-12-2014

205 Rack's fit too with the matching U/J, Just needs longer arms

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Alan_M - 14-12-2014

(13-12-2014, 09:45 PM)Poodle Wrote: No pas AND a quick rack? Sounds bloody daft tbh, hope you're strong. lol

I run a manual custom rack on my 205. WMMS made a conversion kit for a standard rack, replacing the rack and pinion to make it a 2.4. Transforms a 205 into something I can only describe as kart-like. Not too bad I'd say, until you fit a TransX diff go hammering the Nurburgring in it and are absolutely f*cked after a lap. It felt like a workout....Got a Xsara 2.4 rack to go in the 205 and that's getting electric PAS fitted.

(14-12-2014, 10:29 AM)7057sam Wrote: I know they direct fit for gti6's and rallye.

Exactly what I wanted to hear!

(14-12-2014, 12:25 PM)Rippthrough Wrote: There's a batch of 2.2 Quaiffe racks around too, somebody made 'em for rallying with a modded rackbar made for something else - I've got one here, and the lad I bought it off reckoned there were 10-15 made, but I don't know how many are still around, I haven't seen another one yet.

There was the Quaife kit for the 205s, but had the obscure bearing for the pinion. I don't know anyone else that got the West Midlands Motorsport kit I bought, common as muck bearing used too.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - dr_jekyll - 15-12-2014

Only reason for doing it is more space. Got bigger plans for my engine later on and need all the space i can get in the bay. Hence also removing the abs with a bias valve.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - Poodle - 15-12-2014

Don't get me wrong, it's exactly what i've done to mine, doesn't make it any less daft imo. Big Grin

The 205s don't seem to have much power steering anyway, at least my stdt certainly doesn't, but it's really noticeable on the 306. I drove Jonny's estate when he converted that to manual steering and it was pretty damn hard work, and that was with the standard rack. Although that was going up prescott, perhaps not the right test bed, and tbf it did feel great to throw around.

Tbh you'll find it hard to use any space you free up down there, it's tucked pretty well out of the way - i've gotten rid of mine for the drive, if it was just to get rid of the pas pump i would have used the electric set-up from a 106.

RE: quick rack options for pas delete??????? - dr_jekyll - 15-12-2014

Im not to phased about it being heavy as got a fairly large wheel. Just trying to gain as much room as poss and get all the small jobs out the way to hopefully charge her Tongue