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R*** LDA - Printable Version

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R*** LDA - Midnightclub - 09-12-2014

Anyone on here? The reg seems familiar.. 

Moonstone 306 (think it was a 3dr) saw blasting down the fast lane of the M5 yesterday (between WSM and Clevedon) around 6ish, loud exhaust! 


RE: R*** LDA - Toms306 - 09-12-2014

Moonstone R reg?

The plate sounds like Gatekeepers iirc.

RE: R*** LDA - Midnightclub - 09-12-2014

Nah his 'LDA' reg was a nile blue one (checked the .net FB page)

RE: R*** LDA - Connor - 09-12-2014

Sure it wasn't province?

RE: R*** LDA - Midnightclub - 09-12-2014

Well it was dark and he/she was going pretty quick.. but I'm fairly sure it was moonstone, province is a fair bit darker

RE: R*** LDA - Connor - 09-12-2014

Do a quick reg check, moonstone will come up as silver