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Boot badge - Printable Version

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Boot badge - Ash J - 24-11-2014

Hi guys

Looking for a phase 3 boot badge please.

Mine is peeling. Either the whole lock or the sticker part.



RE: Boot badge - impotentials - 24-11-2014

You can get the stickers in gelcoat on ebay. And in loads of different fashions. Or standard.
they are good enough quality.

RE: Boot badge - Toms306 - 24-11-2014

As above, I haven't seen a standard one that isn't peeling now!

I do have a peely standard one for sale if you want one to repaint though... lol

RE: Boot badge - calibra306 - 29-11-2014

I have a smoothed boot badge. Primed and ready to spray in desired colour (or wrapped)

RE: Boot badge - Jimbo - 29-11-2014

Ive got a boot badge with black and silver gel insert. 10 pound posted.