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Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Printable Version

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Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Norledge - 18-11-2014

And no I don't mean your missus...

Seems a few people have dogs on here, so here's mine...

Bear the Patterdale/Whippet Cross - thick as two short planks but so loveable and an awesome rabbiter!

[Image: 10571000_10152569060529693_18755634_n.jp...41ce97cfc9]

[Image: 10486830_10152476775584693_2026508898_n....3f933daef9]

[Image: 59499_10151740024109693_656427850_n.jpg?...f4e76d004f]

And the day I picked him up...
[Image: 461748_10150698431009693_135647345_o.jpg]

And little brother Ted a proper Patterdale, awesome ratter...

[Image: 10592295_10152569065479693_639820617_n.j...8480f5a314]

[Image: 1232578_10151845564294644_668512205_n.jp...7425e1df7a]

[Image: 10157064_10152311625869644_635545248_n.j...ff56dc29c0]

Let see yours!

One rule... no cats. Cats are gay.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - 1616six - 18-11-2014

There is already a pets thread but meh

Fenton, first one he is super embarrassed that I caught him doing a poo.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Dum-Dum - 18-11-2014

(18-11-2014, 03:47 PM)Norledge Wrote: One rule... no cats. Cats are gay.

QFT Smile

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Norledge - 18-11-2014

I searched dog and dogs and there wasn't a thread. I don't want to see cats and little furry things that my dogs like to eat. I want to see dogs.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Jimmy306uk - 18-11-2014

The big daft Dane Smile

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Ruan - 18-11-2014

(18-11-2014, 03:50 PM)Norledge Wrote: D'YA LIKE DAGS?!

[Image: 3.jpg]

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Dum-Dum - 18-11-2014

My parents dog, I would of fought them for the dog when I moved out if I had the time to look after him.


RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Norledge - 18-11-2014

(18-11-2014, 04:07 PM)Ruan Wrote:
(18-11-2014, 03:50 PM)Norledge Wrote: D'YA LIKE DAGS?!

[Image: 3.jpg]

Ironically that actually looks like the farm and my Pajero.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Ruan - 18-11-2014

Distinct lack of rusty hole in the wing made by a masonry bit....

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Norledge - 18-11-2014

Anyway Ru where's your dog?

Oh that's right.

You've got a f*cking cat.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - lolsteve - 18-11-2014

Never been a dog person until parents got Poppy. We've had two spaniels which are just the greatest dogs!
Sadly we no longer have Poppy(red collar) as she was being trained to be a hearing dog, my parents just raise them when they're puppies and teach them basic commands/general dog training. She's now gone on to help a deaf woman in london which is nice to know.
Kristo(blue collar) is going the same route however we at least they have him until summer so will get to see him at christmas and spoil him rotten

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Niall - 18-11-2014

Norledge i love your dog. I've even slept in the same bed as it with it licking my sphincter (Partially true story but I'm not sure if it was the dog or Ruan doing the licking)

My 6 year old chocolate lab rescue, Boston. He's bloody mental but the nicest dog you could ever want!



RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - blaze_the_6 - 18-11-2014

Jesus, he looks nearly identical to my patterdale. almost exactly the same but with extra hair!!

Nice to see a fellow patterdale owner lol everyone mistakes mine as a puppy lab.

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Norledge - 18-11-2014

(18-11-2014, 06:26 PM)Niall Wrote: Norledge i love your dog. I've even slept in the same bed as it with it licking my sphincter (Partially true story but I'm not sure if it was the dog or Ruan doing the licking)

Haha it was probably both.

(18-11-2014, 08:06 PM)blaze_the_6 Wrote: Jesus, he looks nearly identical to my patterdale. almost exactly the same but with extra hair!!

Nice to see a fellow patterdale owner lol everyone mistakes mine as a puppy lab.

Bear? He's so lanky, it's the whippet in him. Let's see yours?

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - WiNgNuTz - 18-11-2014

Not strictly mine per se, but check out these puppies!*

[Image: close-up-cleavage-580.jpg]

*Can't believe no-one else has made this joke yet....you lot losing your touch?!

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - blaze_the_6 - 18-11-2014


(18-11-2014, 08:14 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: Not strictly mine per se, but check out these puppies!*

[Image: close-up-cleavage-580.jpg]

*Can't believe no-one else has made this joke yet....you lot losing your touch?!

Hi mum! Is it my feeding time?

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - mikey b - 18-11-2014

This is my two Staffies they are both soft as well you know don't belive there back ground one is milly and the other is Tilly

[Image: FE956DEC-CFCF-419C-81EC-69F75EE20761_zpssz5atsu6.jpg]

[Image: 0A44D2CB-43FA-4E15-B6BD-7BC0EB546821_zpslxplwzmt.jpg]

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Orta - 18-11-2014

My black lab when he was tiny. He's still a puppy but a bit bigger...

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - blaze_the_6 - 18-11-2014

see, they look similar! ish... Tongue

(18-11-2014, 08:28 PM)mikey b Wrote: This is my two Staffies they are both soft as well you know don't belive there back ground one is milly and the other is Tilly

[Image: FE956DEC-CFCF-419C-81EC-69F75EE20761_zpssz5atsu6.jpg]

[Image: 0A44D2CB-43FA-4E15-B6BD-7BC0EB546821_zpslxplwzmt.jpg]

Patterdale's were created partly by staffies! gotta love em

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Piggy - 18-11-2014

The labs...


RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - maxlee - 19-11-2014

[Image: pict0092_zpsbc233c75.jpg]

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - JamesPT - 21-11-2014

Here my Dog, looking unimpressed with Snow! (was her first time in snow)

[Image: 100_5524.jpg]

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - fgrc76 - 21-11-2014

[Image: 20140516_102900.jpg] this is my dumb arse dog, if your thinking of buying one, don't, they are the most stubborn bloody dog in the world lol

RE: Show us you Dogs! - Warning uber cute content. - Jimmy306uk - 21-11-2014

Mate has one of them! Most behaved dog Ive ever seen haha! Gets excited very easily though, energetic dogs