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Who else is up early watching the F1 - Printable Version

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Who else is up early watching the F1 - Dum-Dum - 15-04-2012

So is it just me or has anyone else got up stupid early to watch the Chinese GP

Who else is up early watching the F1 - Jonny b - 15-04-2012

Iam up bud but dont do f1 going to look at new cars

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - kingy - 15-04-2012

im up. but not watching it. doing my wheels after a cupper.

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Toms306 - 15-04-2012

I was up at 7, not for f1 though lol......

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Connor - 15-04-2012

I am, wasnt planning to lol but seeing as i woke up about 6 thought might as well

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - samass - 15-04-2012

I woke up specially, after about 4 hours sleep! Love it! So much drama!

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - darrenjlobb - 15-04-2012

Deffo up, but screw watching that **** Wink

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Connor - 15-04-2012

Well that was a cracking race

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - samass - 15-04-2012

fantastic, well worth getting up for!

that guy, did so well after that terrible pit!

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Connor - 15-04-2012

I know right, and then when that car went past the other car lol and then there was that other car which launched itself off the kurb lol

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - kingy - 15-04-2012

decided to watch it after all and im glad i did. crackin race. well done that man.

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - samass - 15-04-2012

hahaha i know! and that other car that went backwards as that one driver lost his tyres lol

need that screenshot as a desktop... epic!

shhhhhhh! no spoilers kingy! you mean, well done that guy!

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - kingy - 15-04-2012

shit. sorry. i forgot. ^^ edited.

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - samass - 15-04-2012

nice ninja edit ;D

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - kingy - 15-04-2012


Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Ben Jay - 15-04-2012

What a race! Action through out

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - samass - 15-04-2012

damn straight! best race of the season so far!

Re: Who else is up early watching the F1 - Dum-Dum - 15-04-2012

Very good race, shame about buttons pit stop but it was the right result