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Reading immobiliser eeprom - Printable Version

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Reading immobiliser eeprom - lolsteve - 14-11-2014

Does anyone know how I would read the imboliser data? Van it be done via galletto ?
Wanting to continue my home brew maps but of course there's the risk of bricking. My plan is to have a second ecu which will either be the map rester or a spare so I can still drive to work

RE: Reading immobiliser eeprom - Daniel306 - 14-11-2014

You need to remove the chip from the board and use a programer, I use a TL866. You could turn the immo off in the 2nd ecu?

RE: Reading immobiliser eeprom - lolsteve - 14-11-2014

Ergh that sounds like effort lol
2nd ecu?