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Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? (/showthread.php?tid=27514)

Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - JTaylor2005 - 31-10-2014

Hey all I have a 306 HDI Meridian version. It already has disks all round but I would lile to convert them to the best brakes I cam that aren't aftermarket calipers.

What calipers, disks and pads would I need to get the best stopping power but still lookfairly origional? Except maybe the drilled or grooved disks?

Thanks, Jack

RE: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - ginge191 - 31-10-2014

Use GTI6 calipers; they'll line up fine; as long as you havn't got tiddly wheels on

As for discs and pads - ive always used Mintex for road use and never had any problems; last a fair length, decent stopping power (better when warmer) and don't produce a crazy amount of dust


Others tend to use EBC http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peugeot-306-gti6-gti-6-green-stuff-pads-full-set-front-rear-80-/191370736161?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2c8e95b221

Note, those aren't front, in a rush but you get the idea.

As for calipers - use GTi6 calipers, i'd suggest refurbing a set or buy a set and refurb; fairly easy to do, as well as replacing the flexy hoses for some nice new ones and some nice fresh fluid.

If you really want to, change the master cylinder for a '6 MC; not essential, but can add some benefit. For casual B road bashing i would'nt worry about the MC

RE: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - Eeyore - 31-10-2014

as above. gti6 callipers. all you need is disks and pads. Bolt straight on and should take the existing brake lines. Thats on the front.

with the rears... not much you can do really apart from new pagid discs and pads.

RE: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - JTaylor2005 - 01-11-2014

Thanks for all the info guys Big Grin
So I can only change the fronts and not the rears? Or are the rear disks the size as the ones on the GTI 6 already?

Thanks again Smile

RE: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - Poodle - 01-11-2014

The rears are the same calipers that peugeot put on the back of everything, no easy upgrade available. Don't need it on the rear anyway really, there's no weight back there on a 306.

RE: Converting to GTI 6 Brakes? - JTaylor2005 - 01-11-2014

Okie dokie fair enough Smile cheers.

Thanks for the info guys Smile

Think I will just refurbish the back ones that I have already then and get them looking nice and working well Smile