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Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Printable Version

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Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Paul_13 - 27-10-2014

As above for xud

Need one urgently

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Matt - 27-10-2014

Whats the price of a key normally? I may need one too lol

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Chris_90 - 27-10-2014

About 50p from a diesel specialist, or free from scrappy Wink carnt help tho cos I haven't got one spare.

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Paul_13 - 29-10-2014


Or has any one got the dimensions of the woodruff key?
I haven't got access to service box at the mo

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Anton - 29-10-2014

Got one if you're really desperate...

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Paul_13 - 29-10-2014

Yes please, can you post it if possible? Beer tokens awarded Smile

RE: Bosch pump woodruff key for cambelt pulley - Paul_13 - 31-10-2014

Just received it in the post mate.
Thank you very much! Top bloke