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1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI (/showthread.php?tid=26950)

1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - boggs - 01-10-2014

Just want to check will the entire axle of a 1998 gti6 axle fit on my 2001 306 HDI? Also is there any differences in the two axles such as torsion bars brakes etc?


RE: 1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - j77hrn - 02-10-2014

Should be the same I think!

RE: 1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - Piggy - 02-10-2014

Be slightly firmer. But will fit no problem. Assuming your hdi has discs which I think nearly all ph3 hdi's had

RE: 1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - Eeyore - 02-10-2014

yeh if both have discs its a decent swap. Should be a much stiffer beam too.

RE: 1998 gti6 Axle on 2001 HDI - Toms306 - 02-10-2014

All HDi's have rear discs. HDi DTurbo's use a GTi beam so if you have anything other than a DTurbo, it'll lower the height slightly and be firmer.

However the '98 beam probably has the brake bias valve which yours wont (can just be bypassed) BUT may not have the ABS sensors?