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Rare fan problem - Printable Version

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Rare fan problem - achtung - 15-08-2014

Hi guys! I'm new and i'm from Macedonia! I have one problem that is very strange for me and for the mechanics... My peugeot 306 1.6 65kw without ac doing this:
fan kicks in 88 and stops 82 for example for 10 kilometars 20 times on and off... I change with new one fan switch controler (97/92) and again its the same problem... Then i meassured with temp sonda the temperature on the antifriz to see is it the gauge right.. On the sonda makes the same temperature like the gauge 88 and starting the fans. Next step I take it out the thermostat and again the same. Then i clean the radiator and again the same. Last one i disconect the fan from the swith and the temp after 10 kil0ometars uphil without fan it was 89-90-91... It doesn't losing water...What is the problem, where to watch ???
p.s on the temp sonda it has blue and brown conector, mine is pluged with the blue
p.p.s sorry for my bad english... Cheers

RE: Rare fan problem - achtung - 17-08-2014

Anybody? ??

RE: Rare fan problem - dashmader - 17-08-2014

Are the fans ecu contelled? ? This could be ecu problem

RE: Rare fan problem - Niall - 17-08-2014


Dashmader, no the 1.6 has its own separate control unit for the fans and is nothing to do with the main ECU.

Achtung, you need to start the car and on the thermostat housing, unplug the brown plug with the car running. Within 5 seconds, the fans should kick in full speed. If they don't, its a bad control unit or the fans them selves which needs replacing. If it does, it needs a new fan temperature switch which is available from Peugeot nice and cheap.

RE: Rare fan problem - achtung - 17-08-2014

I replaced 2 fan temperature switch and in the same temperature is starting, 88 and off on 82. Btw on the thermostat house it is green plug on the top and I saw blue plug on the side. The brown is unpluged... I don't knnow from where to start ???