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modifying fans - Printable Version

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modifying fans - philpemberton94 - 30-07-2014

Forgive me if this is a stupid question but im going to putting a fmic on my dt soon and need to move the fans, is it possible to put the original fans on the back of the radiator (in the engine bay) instead of spending money on slimlines?


RE: modifying fans - Grant - 30-07-2014

With enough work, anything is possible, although the biggest issues glaring me in the face would be:

-The multi-pin plug on the fan assembly would not reach and therefore need extending
-The retaining clips on the slam panel would need modifying and extending

It may well be cheaper and easier to just get some slim lines and fit those.

RE: modifying fans - daveylennon93 - 30-07-2014

Yeah just get a slim 1 and it will do the job.

Goin doin this myself next week.

RE: modifying fans - Eeyore - 30-07-2014

Just get slim lines. They arent overly expensive and very easy to fit. The standard fans weigh a lot as well and it will free up so much more room for your FMIC.

RE: modifying fans - cully - 30-07-2014

the fan blades are designed to push air not pull air although they would work by reversing the polarity the efficiency would be lost

RE: modifying fans - philpemberton94 - 30-07-2014

Think ill probably just buy slim lines Smile cheers for the help everyone