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TD04/FMIC/Bosch. - Printable Version

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TD04/FMIC/Bosch. - ADV_93 - 26-07-2014


-TD04 turbocharger, with minimal-no play, oil lines and bolt on adapter plate (for XUD).
-Bosch pump with/without gov mod + lines and injectors.
-FMIC intercooler for XUD, bolt on preferably too, for a phase 1.

If anyone can sort me out, or if they have any of this stuff for sale in/around Nottingham, let me know, please.

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

RE: TD04/FMIC/Bosch. - Nath140889 - 26-07-2014

Got A full bosch set up including lines and injectors all boxed up ready to go had a ground lda pin but no gov mod, 80collected or will post for 97, was still on a running car wednesday and hadnt been drained so wont be rusting up internally