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Heater/Blower Intake Foam - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Heater/Blower Intake Foam (/showthread.php?tid=25470)

Heater/Blower Intake Foam - Eeyore - 24-07-2014

Hi Guys,

On the passenger side under the scuttle panel there is a thin layer of foam that goes over the intake for the internal blower/heater.

This thin layer of foam stops water coming through into the ventilation system. As mine is ripped it lets water through which then goes through the system and results in the passenger footwell being full of water.

Does anyone know where I can buy some replacement sticky back foam?



RE: Heater/Blower Intake Foam - Niall - 24-07-2014

Whatsapp Grant. He bought a big roll of stuff which would be ideal for this but don't know what its called!

RE: Heater/Blower Intake Foam - Toms306 - 24-07-2014

Its just self adhesive waterproof foam sheet....ebay probably best tbh. Though if Grant's got some spare that'd be better lol.

RE: Heater/Blower Intake Foam - Eeyore - 24-07-2014

I think its one of those things which is easy to get but its knowing what to type into google or ebay!