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Micra Love - Printable Version

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Micra Love - kelvsere - 17-07-2014

If you like old school check out my old car thats the same age age as me.

RE: Micra Love - THE_Liam - 17-07-2014

Love these things, indestructable! Always wondered if an SR20 would fit...

RE: Micra Love - kelvsere - 17-07-2014

yeah i was impressed with mine , my mechanic was changing the the cam belt( i should of bought the tools to do it myself) he managed to let the belt slip of and snap one of the rocker arms , manged to run around on 3 cylinders for a while ok , by using a fat washer in its place , until i sourced a replacement.

RE: Micra Love - WiNgNuTz - 17-07-2014

I killed the clutch on mine trying to get it onto a set of ramps in second gear, after first decided it wouldn't engage. Indestructible? You weren't trying hard enough. Tongue

RE: Micra Love - silverzx - 17-07-2014

SR20 non turbo definately fits.

RE: Micra Love - kelvsere - 17-07-2014

Would be a right pocket rocket , mine had the 1L 50hp engine but still managed 100mph as it only weights 700kg !

RE: Micra Love - nominous - 18-07-2014

Many years ago I modded a mates to disconnect the alternator on full throttle.
It really made a difference Smile

Been talking about doing one of those "drive to Mongolia" holidays with a mate.
Must be a 1L or less. He's talking Lupo. I'm talking K10 baby.

Love them.

RE: Micra Love - procta - 18-07-2014

you don't see any of those now! my rover metro is older than the lass I am dating! you cannot beat the cars of the 80s and 90s!!

RE: Micra Love - 7057sam - 18-07-2014

Slam it on banded steelies Smile