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Phase 2 Diablo Red Dturbo - Printable Version

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Phase 2 Diablo Red Dturbo - Richieboi13 - 10-07-2014

this is my little 306 i bought, drove from glasgow to stoke on trent for it lol.

Got it with very little tax and test. So to begin with i concentrsted on getting her moted.

All she needed was rear axle bushes and handbrake cable. Never touched a back axle before but i gave it a bash lol, turned out good Smile . Oh and the boi before me had a very bad bodged up turbo back was basicslly pipes put together haha, so bought a second hand exhaust for 40buck for the mot.

She passed her mot and put fresh 6 months tax.

So was browsing on the net to find stuff to start on the dturbo, i found a gti 6 the same colour close to me which had half leather and colour coded bumpers got it for 200 quid bargain...

So i stripped full interior and swapped it into the dturbo also took a door and the front bumper and side skirts .

Thats all ive did so far heres a few pics from when i gt it to now al stick some up of the stripped 6 also lol.

Next on the list is Fmic, turbo back exhaust something over a 2", lower it possibly a bosch pump then maybe a diff turbo.