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Paint Code Location - Printable Version

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Paint Code Location - mspdan - 17-06-2014

hi all,

where is the paint code located on a ph3 306?

i have checked both front doors and behind the battery and there is no code???

the metal plate is in the centre of the boot but it has nothing with EY.. on it unless i am being stupid??

anyone help at all, the car is silver..


Re: Paint Code Location - kentiiboii - 17-06-2014

Passenger strut top or drivers door.

RE: Paint Code Location - mspdan - 17-06-2014

no not on either, annoying but sorted it now..

its EYCC if i can just find some damn panels be even better..

Re: Paint Code Location - kentiiboii - 17-06-2014

What colour is it?

RE: Paint Code Location - mspdan - 17-06-2014

EYCC - Platinum Silver buddy

RE: Paint Code Location - ozonehostile - 17-06-2014

I've got a drivers wing in platinum silver? And some 5dr skirts

RE: Paint Code Location - WiNgNuTz - 17-06-2014

I think you'll find EYCC is actually "Aluminium silver", mines the same....under the blue pearl. Censored

RE: Paint Code Location - Toms306 - 17-06-2014

I think platinum is ph2/2.5 and Aluminium is ph3?

RE: Paint Code Location - WiNgNuTz - 17-06-2014

OP is after a ph3 colour, so i win. Big Grin