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I need help decrypting a PKWARE SFX file - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I need help decrypting a PKWARE SFX file (/showthread.php?tid=24241)

I need help decrypting a PKWARE SFX file - Paul_13 - 25-05-2014

Evening all,

Basically my boss has a cd of tender drawings etc from the job i'm currently on and he's lost the password.
I've gained a copy of the cd and has asked me to crack it, just asking around for advice really seeing if there's any computer nerds out there.

We believe the client is taking the piss on what work is our scope of works and what isn't.

It's a PKWARE SFX file and asks for a passphrase as soon as you open it, is there any way of getting around this?


RE: I need help decrypting a PKWARE SFX file - Niall - 25-05-2014

Fooby is your man here Smile

RE: I need help decrypting a PKWARE SFX file - Paul_13 - 26-05-2014

Can you shed any light on this fooby?