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Wanted | Oil Cooler - Printable Version

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Wanted | Oil Cooler - zx_volcane - 11-05-2014

yup long shot I know, but after an oil cooler

pref with thermostatic plate


RE: Wanted | Oil Cooler - ash23 - 11-05-2014

this any good ? not sure if I will fit it to the state any time soon has spanking new pirtek lines too Smile


RE: Wanted | Oil Cooler - zx_volcane - 11-05-2014

cheers ash

any ideas how many rows it is, and if the plate has a thermostat?

RE: Wanted | Oil Cooler - ash23 - 11-05-2014

its a 13row cooler and non stat plate

RE: Wanted | Oil Cooler - zx_volcane - 11-05-2014

Do you have a price in mind for just the cooler and lines? will deffo have to get a plate with a thermostat in, can't be running cool oil.

RE: Wanted | Oil Cooler - zx_volcane - 02-06-2014

bump on this

anyone with an oil cooler they want rid of, need a thermostatic plate too