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Alternator Regulator supplier. - Printable Version

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Alternator Regulator supplier. - Alex - 23-04-2014

Just a heads up on a company on eBay selling auto electrical bits.

Next day delivery - Brilliant!
Right Part - Brilliant!
Right Price - Brilliant!

My regulator brushes wore away finally, I suppose after 16 years they're allowed to. Took the alternator off, removed the regulator (two screws).

I went to all the 'local' motor factors and they all said more or less the same: "Haven't got one, can get one tomorrow, it'll be £82".

I had a look on ebay and the only people doing the part was "vehicleelectricsltd", so I rang them and had a chat. £11:80 inc delivery. It turned up the next day.

Fitted and working. Happy Bunny!

RE: Alternator Regulator supplier. - pug306driver - 25-04-2014

(23-04-2014, 10:47 PM)Alex Wrote: Just a heads up on a company on eBay selling auto electrical bits.

Next day delivery - Brilliant!
Right Part - Brilliant!
Right Price - Brilliant!

My regulator brushes wore away finally, I suppose after 16 years they're allowed to. Took the alternator off, removed the regulator (two screws).

I went to all the 'local' motor factors and they all said more or less the same: "Haven't got one, can get one tomorrow, it'll be £82".

I had a look on ebay and the only people doing the part was "vehicleelectricsltd", so I rang them and had a chat. £11:80 inc delivery. It turned up the next day.

Fitted and working. Happy Bunny!

thanks for the heads up......info now in my little black book and remembered fopr when it comes time to change mine...probably when I do crank pulley, air con removal and cam belt! before summer hols and motorway run down south.....brilliant siteHeart this is.

RE: Alternator Regulator supplier. - cully - 25-04-2014

for anyone else that are interested web link here

RE: Alternator Regulator supplier. - darrenjlobb - 25-04-2014

Ive used them for regs before also, top quality service.

RE: Alternator Regulator supplier. - welshpug - 25-04-2014

wonder if they do bearings as well, got a few s16 and gti6 alternators kicking about that would be a waste to weigh in.

RE: Alternator Regulator supplier. - cully - 25-04-2014

for bearings try