306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Good evening folks - Printable Version

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Good evening folks - Just Kev - 18-03-2012

Evening all,

Some of you may remember me as Kev479 on theywhoshallnotbenamed.

Well I decided to join here after buying my 4th 306. I still own the Alfa 156 but as it drinks fuel and in this cash strapped world I currently live in for the meantime it will be SORN at the end of the month.

So I bought a Diablo Red '01 2.0 HDi 306 Meridian Estate.
It has 169k, and a binding rear drivers brake galilee but seems to be ok.

I will upload pics when I can.

Plans are to look after the car, for once, so Cambelt, Water Pump, new Radiator & a full Service as the engine is a high one...
And an economy remap as I am using it as my commute car.

It's nice to be back in the 306 world I have missed it.

Re: Good evening folks - kingy - 18-03-2012

welcome mate.

Re: Good evening folks - mark_airey - 18-03-2012

Welcome along to the club Smile

Re: Good evening folks - Dan! - 18-03-2012

Hello there KVN

Good evening folks - MarkTD - 18-03-2012


Re: Good evening folks - Kimmie - 18-03-2012

Welcome Smile

Re: Good evening folks - devils_fuel - 18-03-2012

hello again Smile

Good evening folks - Matt - 18-03-2012

Welcome along pal

Re: Good evening folks - Connor - 18-03-2012

What happened to that 5dr xud you had?

Good evening folks - TheGateKeeper - 19-03-2012

Welcome Smile

Re: Good evening folks - declantg - 19-03-2012

welcome along Big Grin

Re: Good evening folks - Hitchos - 19-03-2012

Welcome mate

Re: Good evening folks - 4WayDiablo - 20-03-2012

Welcome mate