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rs turbo brembo's? - Printable Version

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rs turbo brembo's? - shaverspeedengineering - 27-03-2014

aright guys ive been offerd some brembo brake callipers and disks from a series 2 rs turbine.. apparently they are quite big and only fit under 17,s .. my question is are they largely interchangeable .. as in with a bit of tinkering will i get them to fit on my 6?.. the bolt pattern is the same would i have to make up or source a carrier ?.. any advice would be ideal... cheers

RE: rs turbo brembo's? - 7057sam - 27-03-2014

radial mount them probably have to use rotots and custom bells to make them fit.

Would definitely have to make mounts up for them and lines

.I d personally steer well clear and get either 406 brembos,hi spec or willwods

RE: rs turbo brembo's? - shaverspeedengineering - 27-03-2014

ok thanks .. ile leave them then .. cheers for saving me a "hell" mission .. ;-)

RE: rs turbo brembo's? - Niall - 27-03-2014

Aftermarket kits can be picked up cheap if you keep an eye out. I picked up my Hispec kit for 280 but they were for a 106 originally so i had to spend 40 on new lines.