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Broken key fob. Fixeable? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Broken key fob. Fixeable? (/showthread.php?tid=22486)

Broken key fob. Fixeable? - SteveMcs - 23-03-2014

So the 306 i bought today has a broken key fob... anyone know if i can fix it, or how much it would cost to get a new one?

[Image: DSC_0793_zpsaf72bc57.jpg]

RE: Broken key fob. Fixeable? - Connor - 23-03-2014

Have a look on ebay for key fob cases, pretty sure last time I looked there were some single button ones like yours on there

RE: Broken key fob. Fixeable? - Toms306 - 23-03-2014

Never seen a single button fob for a 306!

You might be able to buy the button from ebay though, I bought the buttons for my fob for 99p. Smile

RE: Broken key fob. Fixeable? - SteveMcs - 23-03-2014

After looking at some pics on google, i don't think it's just the case, i think i'm actually missing a bit on the button on the actual circuit board