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N/s/r arch liner fitting - Printable Version

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N/s/r arch liner fitting - devils_fuel - 23-03-2014

I have 5dr rot, the welding will be done soon but I have a full arch liner and wanna get it fitted ASAP to stop more water ingress!

I've never replaced an arch liner before so I've not idea what the job involves...

Would I be able to quickly replace this with reduced tools in a car park at the cheddar meet or not?

N/s/r arch liner fitting - bashbarnard - 23-03-2014

Two screws and a clip really easy. Would make life easier with wheel off though.

N/s/r arch liner fitting - devils_fuel - 23-03-2014

Cheers fella

All sorted now, it was easy once you knew how IT wanted to bend lol

RE: N/s/r arch liner fitting - bashbarnard - 24-03-2014

Yeah they don't like to bend. I've just welded a whole inner rear quarter in mine. I'd recommend going to scrappy and cutting a whole one out. Makes life easier

N/s/r arch liner fitting - devils_fuel - 24-03-2014

I have the inner skin off Andy!'s car ready for poodle to weld in start of April, just fitted my inner arch now to stop water pouring through the big hole lol

RE: N/s/r arch liner fitting - HDIkyle - 25-03-2014

I didn't have a nearside one so fitted a offside one with some cutting. Now that didn't want to bend!

N/s/r arch liner fitting - devils_fuel - 25-03-2014

I bet that was a lot of fun, scraped fingers and a ton of swearing Kyle lol

RE: N/s/r arch liner fitting - bashbarnard - 26-03-2014

That's impressive fitting the wrong side one. Stubbornness always trumps logic!

RE: N/s/r arch liner fitting - HDIkyle - 28-03-2014

It really was not as hard as I'd expect. Leaves a gap at the back but works. I do plan to change it at some point but we all know that's never going to happen

RE: N/s/r arch liner fitting - devils_fuel - 28-03-2014

(28-03-2014, 07:38 AM)HDIkyle Wrote: we all know that's never going to happen


Re: N/s/r arch liner fitting - kentiiboii - 28-03-2014

I was suprised to see my phase 2 '6 has rear arch liners