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Clock and its wires - Printable Version

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Clock and its wires - pcwork - 22-03-2014

Hi all, there seems to be a problem with the wiring to my clock/temp display, i have tried changing the clock display but still is not working, the problems are

The Temperature wont display, and the clock wont illuminate unless i have the headlghts on, could someone tell me what could be wrong or tell me what do all the wires do and what should be running through them.

Many thanks

Clock and its wires - rocker8742 - 22-03-2014

Has your passenger mirror been changed to one that hasnt got the temp sensor on it? (Little lump underneath)

RE: Clock and its wires - pcwork - 23-03-2014

Yes the we lump under the pas wung mirror is there and no it was not replaced, I believe it is the wiring in behind the clocks because i was working on it one time (and stupid me) forgot the battery was on and sparked the clock element of a negative. But then i changed the clocks, but still, no temp display. Can you tell me what each wire does at the plug behind the clock/temp display does and where they go?

Many thanks

RE: Clock and its wires - cully - 23-03-2014

wiring drawing for the clock temp display
